The last couple of months were hectic, getting to know Quinn. Including her in our routines, or better said… making new routines. It has completely thrown over our whole family dynamic. Everything is different. Never knew a third unexpected baby could be throwing our lives upside down this much!
Something simple like getting ourselves and three kids all washed and clothed in the car to go somewhere it turned out to be a huge challenge! Not to mention giving all three the attention they deserve and need, and at the same time not neglecting ourselves, our business, our home.
It all felt like we had too much on our plate…
But now after those first five months, the dust has settled, and we all have got used to our new lives, a new position, new roles as a big sister, a big sis of two little sisters, mother, and father of three. We are getting the hang of this new life! Looks like we are finally finding our new flow and family dynamic. And it has been so worth it! Every struggle, every crisis, every mountain we have climbed to make this transition from 4 to 5.
It is a joy to see these three wonderful brave little girls exploring this world, climbing every tree, jumping from adventure to adventure!
And we are filled with pride and love with the thought that we get to be their parents!
How we get to be so lucky!