Middle child

Middle child


Je bent te klein om te doen wat je grote zus kan.
Te groot om dingen te doen waar je kleine zusje mee weg komt.
Je bent niet de grote zus.
Je bent niet de kleine zus.
Ergens daar tussenin zit je…

Maar in jouw ogen ben je een GROTE zus en een KLEINE zus in één.Eigenlijk. Je hebt alles!

Het is niet altijd gemakkelijk om het middelste kind te zijn. Maar toch, je staat vaak in het middelpunt van de belangstelling. Je glas is niet halfvol… het stroomt over! Ze zeggen vaak dat het middelste kind gemakkelijk vergeten wordt. Nou… laten we zeggen dat dat nooit zal gebeuren met onze Haley. Wacht maar af, ze zal het eisen. En lief kind… je verdient alle aandacht die je nodig hebt, mijn liefde.

Een sterke wil, avonturen, nieuwsgierig, assertief, slim, grappig, direct, sterk, eerlijk, observatief, en zo zo lief. Het lijkt erop dat jou andere twee zussen van een andere planeet kwamen, gesneden uit hetzelfde hout, hetzelfde temperament, hetzelfde basispatroon, maar jij kwam uit een heel eigen universum.

Er is geen saai moment met jou klein drakenmeisje. Je stopt nooit met bewegen, klimmen, reiken naar de meest gevaarlijke (en daarom meest interessante) objecten, stoelen op tafels en boeken opstapelen om hoger te komen, nooit bang en snel… oh wat ben je zo ongelooflijk snel. Ik knipper met mijn ogen en je loopt om een ​​hoek om, lachend, kijkend over je schouder om te zien of je wordt gevolgd. De vastberadenheid in alles wat jij doet. Ik geloof dat je alles zal kunnen bereiken waar je je zinnen op zet. Slim, lief, sterk, gepassioneerd, fel, athletisch, energiek, gek, explosief, grappig, stralend en mooi meisje van mama. Je zult zal opgemerkt worden.

Over dat spelletje dat we spelen, waar we allebei beweren meer van de ander te houden:
Mijn klein baby meisje, ik hou meer van je dan je ooit zou kunnen begrijpen! Misschien realiseer je je wanneer je op een dag zelf baby’s krijgt… Ik win… Ik hou VEEL meer van JOU! En dat hoort ook zo. 

Jolanda, Michiel
Miley, Haley & Quinn

Middle child



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Consciousness, Like mother like daughter +Twinning Lookbook

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”

~Audrey Hepburn

To have children is for me believing in tomorrow. Planting a garden with them and teaching them to treasure this planet is an essential part of the way we are raising our babies. We must protect what is left of nature and try and stabilize the unbalance we are creating as human beings.

Making as many conscious choices as you can possibly make in your unique situation.
From using las plastic and package materials to recycle your waste.
From buying your clothes at your local thrift shop to buying conscious fashion brands. From growing your own food to supporting local farmers.

Lead by example. Like mother like daughter…

Minimalizing our carbon footprint and sometimes spreading a handful of wildflower seeds on to a patch of dirt. To see it turn in to the most beautiful flower field in a few weeks time. The bees will thank you for it by keeping our fragile ecosystem stable. And our children will have a better chance of having a carefree future on this beautiful planet.

How do you contribute to the awareness of conscious decisions in your children? Maybe you have inspiring ideas I would love to hear!
Tell me in the comments on instagram!

Jolanda, Michiel
Miley, Haley & Quinn

    We love Bobo choses

    Bobo choses,  a Spanish brand has the most gorgeous collections of fair susnainable fashion.

    We are in love with their spring-summer collection “to plant a garden” and we feel like the spirit and attitude of the collection is capturing what we and a lot of parents around us are feeling. Let’s care for our kids, lets care for this planet. And let’s look awesome while doing it!

    Bob choses send us our matching mother-daughter jumpsuits and clogs! So much love for these fun and happy outfits!

    Lookbook TWINNING with Miley

    I went Twinzies with my big girl Miley!
    Spring is here so a perfect outfit to get out into the garden and enjoy the first rays of sunshine!

    We want to thank Bobo choses and Polette eyewear for our Mother and daughter twinning outfits! We are loving it!

      We love Polette

      Polette send me the same pair of glasses that we already had bought for my daughter. This way we can twin!

      Polette has beautiful frames and doesn’t pre-produce the frames. Every time someone orders a frame and lenses it is completely produced on demand. This way there is no wasteful overproduction of their collection.

      The frames and lenses are manufactured in their own factory in China by trained optical professionals.

      Their friendly priced prescription glasses are making quality glasses available for everyone. And in a household with 3 glasses-wairing individuals (from-wich 2 kids) we are really happy that with their frames we can afford it to get everyone the high-quality prescription-eyeglasses we need, without having to completely empty all our piggy-banks.

      SHOP the LOOK

      SHOP the LOOK

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      Consciousness, Like mother like daughter +Twinning Lookbook



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      Spring lawn care routine


      Spring Garden Prep: getting our garden Ready for summer

      Getting Your grass lawn Ready for Summer.

      When all the life starts turning back in our garden and the grass lawn shoots up again, our fruit trees burst out in big fluffy “cotton candy like” balls of blossom. We take our boots and hit the garden. Feeling completely green-depraved after the long and cold winter months. So we are preparing the lawn for a wonderful summer filled with cuddles and playing and chilling in the thick and soft green grass!

      Our garden has a few functions:

      1. Grow our own food
      2. Be a place of beauty and an oasis for us to relax and come together.
      3. Be a place for our kids to play,  learn, discover and have adventures.
      4. Create biodiversity and nurture all insects and animals that live here.

      The green green grass

      The first thing we do is we take care of our lawn. It’s the center of our garden and provides us a colorful bright green carpet on which we can play and relax the whole summer.  I like it when the grass is a bit longer so it can wave in the wind. So that it’s nice and thick and fluffy when you lye down on it. Taking care of the lawn is the number one thing we tend to.

      First, we mow the lawn. We have a small lawn and the new hover mower we got from BLACK+DECKER is perfect for the job! I like it when the grass is about 10  long and really soft and wavy… But if you never maw it shorter the quality of the grass will go down, eventually it will get too long and when you mow it too late you will end up with a lumpy patch of yellow grass filled with dead brown spots. Not Ideal. So the first thing we do is trim it down after the long winter to give all the new grass straws that are coming up more light!  This used to be Michiel’s job, but it has become so much fun with our new hover that I wanted to do it. The whole spring and summer we will be mowing it at least once a week to keep healthy.

      After the winter the grass tends to look a bit unhealthy.
      The build-up of dead and dying grassroots, shoots, runners, and other living and dead plant materials and moss which can accumulate at the roots of the grass can make the lawn look a bit Grimm. So we scratch the soil’s surface with a “Rake” to give the new coming up grass more air and room to grow.

      Seed in new grass seeds to fill up the dead patches that may have arisen and that will make the grass overall full and thick in no time.

      Poke in little holes in the lawn using a pitchfork or a special roller with spikes.
      This will give the soil more air and water witch will result in better root growth and a fuller thicker lawn to chill and play on. (plus the earthworms will thank you for it! and they are playing a vital part with their composting activities in keeping our soil (and therefore our plants) healthy!

      Provide your lawn with plenty of nutrients to grow and flourish this upcoming summer season. Organic lawn fertilizer will improve the overall health of your lawn. Always use organic fertilizer and try and stay away from synthetic fertilizers. That way you are sure you are not poisoning your soil and water with chemical pest and weed control additives that are usually in the mix and the synthetic fertilizer runoff is really harmful to the environment. 

      Save rainwater in a rain barrel to water your lawn and give your grass the best start it could get to grow into a perfect green fluffy and thick carpet!

      This is our lawn spring ritual we do every year and this way we get to enjoy our lawn every single day during the summer!

      Enjoy the upcoming summer days!

      Blog by: Jolanda Marti
      Photography: Michiel Fook

      Floating on air!

      BLACK+DECKER send us this awesome lightweight hover mower, and its something I’ve never seen before! Normally this part is a job for Michiel since he is strong enough to handle a heavy lawnmower in the first place. But this friendly light powerful beasty is something I can handle with ease! It weighs just as much as an average folding chair. Plug & play!

      The moment I turn on the power on it the mower is lifted and I can slide over the grass without putting any pressure on my arms. No more pushing and pulling like a madman. Just steering the gliding mower over the lawn effortlessly! Getting in and around all the fruit trees and borders without a hassle! This is actually so much fun to do! and when I’m done I just pull the plug and lift it up and store it away. Easy peasy!

      Want to learn more? Read all about it here!

      Thanks, Black+Decker we will never want anything else after this!

      Instagram moments

      We live on our lawn. It’s basically a living space for us and our kids to play, chill and cuddle on! Check out all of these moments that where on our lawn:

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      Spring lawn care routine



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      Bathtime goals

      We don’t wash our kids…

      Our bathtime ritual.
      We made a video about our thoughts on getting our Baby and kids “clean”.

      When you explore, you tend to get dirty! But that doesn’t mean we necessarily want to get cleanBecauseouse whenever we get a bit crunchy of all the playing, we just play some more in the tub!

      It you think we take a bath to get clean… think again.
      Kids don’t care about getting clean!
      Kids just want to have more adventures!
      Climbing mountains of foam, You can be a superhero with superpowers,
      You can make it snow, Play hide and seek, Explore, 
      You can be a hairdresser or make high fashion

      And the getting clean part… oh, that just happens. Just like the getting dirty again thing. But who has time to think of those kinds of things, when there is so much having fun to do.

      So do you wash your kids? or do you just let them PLAY some more!?  

      We want to thank our partner Naïf baby for supporting us and making it possible for us to keep producing our video’s, vlogs and blogs. It’s because of these kind partnerships we get to do what we love most:
      Being creative and sharing our stories and Images.

      And Thank you for watching our adventures, blogs, and videos! Your interest in our adventures is what’s giving us the biggest motivation to keep on producing our content!
      And we love you for it!

        Jolanda, Michiel,
      Miley Haley & Quinn

      Bathtime goals



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      Bohemian roomtour – Urban Jungle

      Eclectic Urban Jungle

      Take a look in our Bohemian styled home. We have created an urban jungle filled with beautiful plants, macrame, flower wreaths, vintage finds, artwork and carefully selected and styled toy corner for our kids.

      You can find our previous roomtour here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STmpvcOPoDg

      We hope you like it! If you do, please make sure to let us know in the comments and subscribe to our channel!

        Jolanda, Michiel,
      Miley Haley & Quinn

      Music in this video is by:
      Meydän – https://soundcloud.com/meydansound/

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      Bohemian roomtour – Urban Jungle



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