

It feels like there was the “me” before I had kids and the “me” after. Not only that but after each and every birth of one of my baby girls I totally felt had to find myself all over again.

Having a baby, giving life to a beautiful tiny helpless human and bringing it into this world, and then caring for it 24/7 giving it everything you’ve got is so intense. What that does to your body, you’re mind, to your whole being. It’s all most indescribable. It puts everything upside down and inside out. For a while there the “me” became a “we”. The sense of “self” was scrambled. And all doh after giving birth I turned in to a “me” again… but it doesn’t feel like that at all. That connection to my baby is still there and feels as strong as ever, especially the first 6 months. I am the MOM to someone very special now! And being a mommy is making it impossible for me to remember who I ever was before this little being of mine sprung into life inside my belly. Which by the way, obviously must have rewired this brain of mine in some way. I don’t recognize myself anymore.

And then slowly but surely the dust settles after 7 months or so and I’m starting to get to know myself again. Finally, I can see the new shape of “Myself” again through the new all costuming role of MOM.

And I’m still there! It’s still ME! With the same passions, likes and dislikes, fears, talents, hopes and dreams and everything! But just with a few little extras.

Extra love, extra cuddles, extra responsibility, extra milk, extra patience, priorities and a whole new set of extra hopes and dreams. You’re a MOM but still your Self! And right now I feel like MOMyself!

Recognizing who I am aside from the mom role gives me the strength and clarity to see past the things I want as a mom and gives me the space to feel like an individual And decide what I want to do besides being a mother. Because being a MOM doesn’t mean I can’t have a successful business, be independent, have hobbies, be creative, travel, do sports, feel sexy, powerful, smart, feel like I can do anything I want. Setting an example for my girls! Because I CAN do all that and still be there for my babies almost full time… Even on a working day (3 to 4 days a week) I am with them 18 hours a day! The power of co-sleeping, having a family business, mom/dad equally shared tasks, and working from the home! I want to have it all!

Yes, I am proud to be a mother of 3!
But I am much more than that.

Here is a photo series I did with photographer Wouter Keuris.
So happy I did this shoot with him! We talked a lot about Photography, the wedding-buzz and we had a great time during the shoot! It made me feel like an autonomous person without a baby or kid attached to me for a few hours. I felt like a whole person again, empowered! Not the same as before… but that’s ok. I’ve grown, I’ve learned, I’m getting to know my new MOMyself for the third time. I’m embracing the new me! Never felt so at peace with myself.

Are you a mom? How did you experience that?  Did having of having baby’s changed you in some way?

Photography: Wouter Keuris
Retouche: Jolanda Marti

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2017 Recap!

2017 was amazing! Looking back at the past 12 months and so much has happened! We are so thankful for everything and everyone we have in our lives! We are grateful for all the experiences we had and even the difficulties we encountered because we learned from them!

Feels like we are on the right track, let’s continue 2018 and make it a good year filled with positivity and inspiration!

I will be checking in more often from now on! And we are switching from Dutch to Englisch from now on! Subscribe on our youtube channel to be updated on all new videos!
Have a Happy 2018 everyone!!!

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2017 Recap!





Recipe for fun!

Recipe for fun!

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Ever wonder why kids go mad as soon as they come anywhere near sand!? Just dive in there with them and you’ll find out!
Play as if you were 5 years old. Just dive in there with them! Run, jump, dance, kick it, run it through your fingers and yo crazy until you’re totally out of breath. Then fall down laughing and feel the endorphins take over. That’s is why.

That’s exactly what we did on an evening this summer when there was a huge fire in this big waste/plastic-recycling factory in Amsterdam and we had to flee because the black toxic smoke was covering our village. We jumped in our van and just drove away from the smoke-polluted zone. We had no idea where to go so we just headed towards the Dutch coast until we landed on a beautiful dunes area where we could relax and wait until the fire was under control. And we had a blast! We ended up sleeping at my parent’s house because it took a bit longer to put out that big fire over there, but we had a wonderful weekend anyway!

When we came back home the black smoke was gone and it already had rained so that purified the air a bit. We ventilated and cleaned our house thoroughly and no harm was done to our little house and garden. But still so sad to think how much pollution went up in the air during that fire. I hope no one was harmed or breathed too much of that toxic air that weekend.

Anyway, we took a bad situation and turned it around into a beautiful sunny sand-filled day!
The conclusion of this weekend: The best recipe for fun anytime anywhere: Just add some sand!

Lees deze blog ook in het Nederlands ↠ read this blog in Dutch

Ooit afgevraagd waarom kinderen los gaan zodra ze ergens in de buurt van zand komen!? Duik er zelf in met je kinderen en dan snap je waarom! Ren, spring, dans, schop erin, laat het door je vingers glijden en ga helemaal los totdat je compleet buiten adem bent. Val dan lachend neer en voel hoe de endorfines het overnemen. Dit is waarom.

Dat is precies wat we deze zomer deden toen er een enorme brand was in een grote afval / plastic-recyclingfabriek in Amsterdam. We moesten vluchten omdat de zwarte giftige rook ons ​​dorp bedekte. We sprongen in ons busje en reden. We reden gewoon weg van de rookverontreinigde zone, geen idee waar we heen moesten maar het enige wat we wisten is, overal liever dan hier. Dus reden gewoon richting de Nederlandse kust totdat we op een prachtig duingebied landden waar we konden ontspannen en wachten tot het vuur onder controle was. En we hebben een fantastische dag gehad! We sliepen uiteidelijk bij het huis van mijn ouders omdat het wat langer duurde om dat grote vuur daar meester te krijgen. Hoe dan ook hadden toch een geweldig weekend!

Toen we thuiskwamen was de zwarte rook verdwenen en had het al geregend, zodat de lucht een beetje werd gezuiverd. We ventileerden en reinigden ons huis grondig en er was geen schade aangericht aan ons kleine huis en tuin. Toch best triest om te bedenken hoeveel gif en vervuiling de lucht in is gegaan tijdens die brand. Ik hoop dat niemand dat weekend teveel schade of teveel van die giftige lucht heeft ingeademd.

Hoe dan ook, we namen een slechte situatie en veranderden het in een prachtige zonnige dag vol zand en liefde!
De conclusie van dit weekend: Het beste recept voor plezier altijd en overal: Voeg gewoon wat zand toe!

Photography: Michiel Fook & Jolanda Marti

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Recipe for fun!





HAPPY Christmas and a Merry new year!

HAPPY Christmas and a Merry new year!
Have a wonderful holiday everyone!

Just like last year, we wanted to make the same sparkle confetti-canon video (we posted it on our Instagram) with the kids because last year was so much fun! I see a little tradition happening here.
Like to see more video’s and follow along? Make sure to subscribe to our channel to see all the new video’s we upload! Love, Jolanda

We are taking these days to enjoy our family and friends, and to reflect on this past year. A lot has happened! Mainly a lot of good and wonderful things such as the birth of our little Quinn, so I guess 2017 has been good to us! Let’s see if we can hold on to that happiness in 2018! I’m looking forward to the months to come with lots of positivity, mindfulness, and love.

Tell me!? Do you guys have crazy family traditions? Let me know in the comments below, or on my insta or facebook!
We hope you all will have an amazing loving Christmas and a sparkling 2018!

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HAPPY Christmas and a Merry new year!





First snowflakes…

First snowflakes…

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One fluffy snowflake floating down hundreds of miles and landing gently on the soft grass in our backyard. And another! We stare in complete unbelief out our window, could it be!? I can’t remember the last time it showed enough to build a decent snowman. The kids are watching the whole morning how the snow is falling and slowly transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland… it’s still a thin veil of white fluffy frosty magic but we can’t wait any longer. We have to touch it, walk through it, feel it, taste it, play with it, and throw it!

Love to imagine that our little house is standing in a little snow globe! Snowflakes have a beautiful way of weightlessly floating around through the air.

These first magical snowflakes this winter are so welcomed, loved, and totally celebrated!

Lees deze blog ook in het Nederlands ↠ read this blog in Dutch

Eén pluizig sneeuwvlokje zweeft honderden kilometers omlaag en landt zachtjes op het zachte gras in onze achtertuin. En nog eentje! We staren in volledig ongeloof uit ons raam, zou het waar zijn!? Ik kan me niet herinneren wat de laatste keer was dat het genoeg gesneeuwt had om een fatsoenlijke sneeuwpop te bouwen. De kinderen kijken de hele ochtend al uit het raam hoe de sneeuw zachtjes valt en langzaam het landschap omtovert in een spierwit winterwonderland … het is nog steeds een dunne sluier van witte bevroren magie maar we kunnen gewoon niet langer wachten. We moeten het aanraken, er doorheen lopen, het voelen, proeven, ermee spelen en het gooien!

Ik kijk omhoog en stel mijzelf voor dat ons huisje in een kleine sneeuwbol staat op iemands schoorsteenmantel! Sneeuwvlokken hebben zo´n prachtige unieke manier van gewichtloos door de lucht zweven…

Er lag toen nog niet veel, maar deze eerste magische sneeuwvlokken deze winter zijn uitbundig door ons verwelkomd en geviert!

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First snowflakes…





Teach them in experiences

Teach them in experiences

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From which would you prefer to learn?  By only reading about it, or by experiencing it yourself? Wich one would make a profound impression on you which will stick to you for the rest of your life!?

I  really like to read books about adventures, foreign cultures, interesting people and beautiful landscapes, history, and nature all over the world and dream away and soak up all those stories and knowledge. But I LOVE to have adventures myself, visit foreign cultures, meet interesting people and see beautiful landscapes and discover nature all over the world myself. And I especially love to do that together with my kids. Stimulating them to climb every mountain (or tree) life, and look into this world with an open mind full of wonder and curiosity.

So take your kids by the hand or take them on your back, show them every aspect of this beautiful, harsh, inspiring, scary, complex world and life! There is so much to discover out there, better start young!

Lees deze blog ook in het Nederlands ↠ read this blog in Dutch

Ik vind het heerlijk om weg te dromen met een mooi boek over avonturen, vreemde culturen, interessante mensen en prachtige landschappen, geschiedenis en natuur over de hele wereld. Maar er gaat niets boven het zelf avonturen beleven, buitenlandse culturen bezoeken, interessante mensen ontmoeten, prachtige landschappen zien en de natuur over de hele wereld zelf te ontdekken. Ik vind het vooral leuk om dit samen met mijn kinderen te doen. Om ze te stimuleren elke berg (of boom) in dit leven te beklimmen, en deze wereld in te kijken met een open blik vol verwondering en nieuwsgierigheid.

Hoe zou jij het liefste de wereld ontdekken? Door er over te lezen, of door het zelf te ervaren? Wat je zou een diepe indruk op je maken die je de rest van je leven bij zal blijven!? Neem je kinderen bij de hand of draag ze op je rug, laat ze elk aspect van deze mooie, harde, inspirerende, enge, complexe wereld en het leven zien! Er is zoveel te ontdekken, je kunt niet vroeg genoeg beginnen!

Photography: Michiel Fook & Jolanda Marti

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Teach them in experiences



