To the Moony and back

Having small kids, a career, wanting to have a free life and travel a lot, running a household can be a bit much sometimes!
Having extreme happy moments, and then the extreme overwhelming exhaustion kicks in! Feeling so tired at the end of every single day I tend to get a bit frustrated. Will this ever get any easier!? Everything is such a struggle. Never a moment of peace. Always moving, always something or someone to take care of, clean, work, manage.
But at the end of the day, I go through the pictures of the last couple of months and I realize… Years from now I will probably look back and see that these are the happiest years of my life! The childhood of girls, seeing them grow up, and experiencing so much love in our little family is the best thing that ever happened to me!
Our family photo’s always have been so important to me. And as soon as I tend to forget how lucky I am (because all parents know… this parenting thing is HARD and completely exhausting) I Flip open one my photo albums and my heart just opens up, my racing mind just calms down and I get this wave of gratefulness that just washes over me like a Tsunami of LOVE!
Photo’s make me remember what my heart already knows but what my head is to busy to notice. Looking at our photo’s is a tool to help me just stop and be mindful, it helps me realize how many good things are happening right now! And most important, It helps me focus on all the positive, instead of on the few negatives in my life!
Therefore I would say having photo prints and/or albums is improving my quality of life! And it’s so valuable to have as we will grow older and our lives, the world, and the people around us will change too. Photos are little time capsules. Great to have to lay around, amazing to be able to give your children as they grow up.
There are so many advantages to having photo’s in print! It just basically makes me really really really happy whenever I look at them. I got so inspired by that feeling of happiness while flipping through my new Moonylab book that I decided to make this happy little video with our DJI drone!

Moonylab is offering all of my followers a 10% discount using the code Wildandboho10 while placing your order!
Check out our video, and then the backstage Images below that Michiel took from me while I was shooting this video!
Hope you enjoy my outburst of happiness in this little experiment-video.
I put the video on my NEW InstaTV channel for the world to see!
Would you like to see more of these short videos on my Instagram?

– This Blog post was made in collaboration with Moonylab –
Blog and video by: Jolanda Marti
Music in this video is by Derek Clegg
Backstage Photography: Michiel Fook