Run wild my child

Run wild my child

We love to prepare a picknick basket and go out in the woods. Driving to the woods we are hearing all the “where are we going”-’s and “are we there yet”-’s and ” I don’t want to go to the wood”-’s of the world. Yes, our kids are like all the other kids in the world. But once we are there all of that is forgotten and off they go. Climbing trees collecting treasures and building castles.

We hike for a bit. Find a nice place to lay down a plaid and our stuff as a “home-base”. Chilling and eating and playing around in the shade of the trees. We spot dears, hear the songs the birds are singing to us, the wind blowing through the trees and our wildling cubs howling to the beat of the forest.

Little feet are making a wonderful crunchy sound as they touch the layered floor of the forest. Every step feels different, little sticks, rocks, bones, grass, and mosses are all hiding under a think mixed layer of old crispy and fresh soft fallen leaves. Making every step an exciting surprise. Walking on barefoot shoes is making our exploration feel natural to the touch and safe against rough undergrounds and sharp objects at the same time.

All things we normally tend to worry about seeming small and insignificant. No to-do lists, bills to pay, work to do, places to be. Because this is all that matters, this is all we need. Each other and nature. This feels like freedom. Pure happiness.

We are rich when we leave to go home. Our bounty: A scraped knee, two feathers, seven stones, four leaves, improved tree climbing skills, twelve-spotted dears, hundred stories, and five fully charged inspiration batteries.

On our way back home our little Quinn falls asleep in the car, Haley is quietly looking out the window and Miley asking us ” this was fun! When can we go back!?”

As soon as possible my little wildling.

Jolanda, Michiel
Miley, Haley & Quinn

    We love Wildling shoes


     Wildling shoes geared our whole family up with their barefoot shoes and we are loving it! 

    The wonderful feeling of running and climbing barefoot through the forest while being safe against rough undergrounds and sharp objects is amazing! 

    Walking around barefoot or with barefoot schoe, wair doesn’t just feel great. It’s actually really healthy too! The reason why is very well explained here:
    1- In Duch by Linde Logtenberg on her Instagram here!
    2- or in this video by Teck Insider

    We want to thank our partner Wildling shoes  for supporting us and making it possible for us to keep producing our video’s, vlogs and blogs. It’s because of these kind partnerships we get to do what we love most:
    Being creative and sharing our stories and Images!

    Run wild my child



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    Slowing Down! – Recap 2018

    Happy new year everyone!

    Time is flying by and everything is going so fast.
    Treasure every second!

    Here is an overview of our treasured memories of the year 2018. We hope you had a great year and a wonderful new years eve.

    May 2019 bring you all the love and happiness in the world!

      Jolanda, Michiel,
    Miley Haley & Quinn

    Music in this video is by:
    Meydän –

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    Slowing Down! – Recap 2018



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    A little throwback to ‘Zeeland’

    A little throwback to ‘Zeeland’

    In this video we have a little trowback to the time the 5 of us were only 4! We made a little roadtrip to ‘Zeeland’ in the Netherlands and wandered the fields.

    At the time (2015) when we filmed these shots and after we arrived back home we found out we had a difficult and emotional year ahead of us, so we totally forgot about all the footage we shot.

    Looking back at that year it went by so fast and everything ended well. Almost 4 years later we found the footage again and it feels like a little time capsule we opened up.
    So now we edited it into this little throwback video, we hope you enjoy it.

    Videography: Wild & BOHO

    Music by:

    A little throwback to ‘Zeeland’



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    A Road trip to the Black forest in Germany – Vanlife family

    We went on a road trip to the Black Forest in Germany

    We hit the road with our family of five in our trusty little Volkswagen camper van.
    And naturally, we made a little overview video of our adventures there! There where miles of road, lots of cuddles and laughs. But also a lot of chaos in the back of the van with our three kids! The breaks had a misfunction we had to fix, we swam in rivers and waterfalls, and discovered this beautiful and mysterious part of Europe in our Little Vanlife trip with 5 of us in a bus!

    We made a lot of precious memories! We won’t say it was easy or relaxing traveling with three small children. Traveling with kids can be a challenge and is hard work! But the memories are definitely worth all the chaos! We explored this part of Europe and it was so beautiful that we will be back for sure to discover more hidden places of this magical place!

    We hope you like our video about our road trip to the Black Forest!
    Maybe we’ll make a longer 30-minute “documentary/vlog video” with all the moments so we can tell the full story of our adventure!
    What do you think!? Would you like us to make a longer and more detailed video!? We would love to hear your thoughts!

    Videography: Wild & BOHO

    Music by: Vivii

    A Road trip to the Black forest in Germany – Vanlife family



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    To the Moony and back

    Having small kids, a career, wanting to have a free life and travel a lot, running a household can be a bit much sometimes!
    Having extreme happy moments, and then the extreme overwhelming exhaustion kicks in! Feeling so tired at the end of every single day I tend to get a bit frustrated. Will this ever get any easier!? Everything is such a struggle. Never a moment of peace. Always moving, always something or someone to take care of, clean, work, manage.

    But at the end of the day, I go through the pictures of the last couple of months and I realize… Years from now I will probably look back and see that these are the happiest years of my life! The childhood of girls, seeing them grow up, and experiencing so much love in our little family is the best thing that ever happened to me!

    Our family photo’s always have been so important to me. And as soon as I tend to forget how lucky I am (because all parents know… this parenting thing is HARD and completely exhausting) I Flip open one my photo albums and my heart just opens up, my racing mind just calms down and I get this wave of gratefulness that just washes over me like a Tsunami of LOVE!

    Photo’s make me remember what my heart already knows but what my head is to busy to notice. Looking at our photo’s is a tool to help me just stop and be mindful, it helps me realize how many good things are happening right now! And most important, It helps me focus on all the positive, instead of on the few negatives in my life!

    Therefore I would say having photo prints and/or albums is improving my quality of life! And it’s so valuable to have as we will grow older and our lives, the world, and the people around us will change too. Photos are little time capsules. Great to have to lay around, amazing to be able to give your children as they grow up.

    There are so many advantages to having photo’s in print! It just basically makes me really really really happy whenever I look at them. I got so inspired by that feeling of happiness while flipping through my new Moonylab book that I decided to make this happy little video with our DJI drone!

    Moonylab is offering all of my followers a 10% discount using the code Wildandboho10 while placing your order!

    Check out our video, and then the backstage Images below that Michiel took from me while I was shooting this video!

    Hope you enjoy my outburst of happiness in this little experiment-video.
    I put the video on my NEW InstaTV channel for the world to see!
    Would you like to see more of these short videos on my Instagram?

    Jolanda Marti

    – This Blog post was made in collaboration with Moonylab

    Blog and video by: Jolanda Marti
    Music in this video is by Derek Clegg
    Backstage Photography: Michiel Fook

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    To the Moony and back



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