Opinions… Choose: Frozen canals or blazing hot sunshine!?

Opinions matter…and everyone is always having theirs.
What’s your opinion on that? What would you choose? What do you think? What would you prefer? Who do you support?
I’m always inclined to prefer extremes be passionate about really outspoken things and have really clear opinions. I Love SUPER sweet, or SUPER salty… I LOVE the blazing hot summers or the really cold freezing and snowing winter days. I root for the underdog, I think this planet and animals should be protected more, I feel like the first world complains way too much, and I think this world has way too much injustice.
When I love something I tend to go completely overboard. I can get lost in following a series and don’t want to watch anything else for 7 seasons 15 episodes each. When I love a drink or some food I will just drink or eat that thing until I can’t stand in anymore. I LOVE certain trends or fashion, or I think it’s absolutely hideous. I Really Really REEEALLYYY love plants in my home. And everything with natural materials and textures!
“I am an open book… yes you may know my thoughts. But ask me again tomorrow, and I don’t know if the answer will still be the same.”
I know that some of these things are just a matter of taste or opinion, and some a matter of “right or wrong” and some a matter of perspective, knowledge or information.
I am an open book… yes you may know my thoughts. But ask me again tomorrow, and I don’t know if the answer will still be the same.
I can switch my opinions and preferences or how I feel about something just like that. Because a preference or opinion isn’t like a birthmark… you aren’t born with opinions or preferences. Nothing is set in stone, once you’ve developed an opinion about something, It’s not a lifelong decision. I’m allowed to change my opinions or preferences.
It feels like some people make us feel like your opinion is supposed to be cour identity. The essence of who we truly are. Making it shameful, weak or event tradeful to change our opinions, to change our minds, to evolve. But most of the time those preferences and opinions are dependent on your knowledge. So if you are a stubborn person who clenches on to his opinion or preferences despite new information that might prove you otherwise… well that isn’t a very wise thing to do, isn’t it!? I feel that that is just bitter, stubborn, proud, and short-sided. Maybe even a lack of intelligence maybe!? I’m not sure… but It feels wrong to me.
A lot of the times an opinion is also a judgment on someone’s address… like I just did back there:
“I feel that that is just bitter, stubborn, proud, and short-sided. Maybe even a lack of intelligence maybe!? I’m not sure… but It feels wrong to me.” That’s not a nice thing to hear if you feel it applies to you. But it is the truth about what I was thinking while typing this.
So should you always share your opinions!? Probably only if someone is asking you directly or if you think it’s really important to share it because it is something people just NEED to hear. Even if they maybe won’t like it. And you never know, if you might even hear some new information or gain a new perspective that will change your mind if you are open to it and flexible enough.
“I prefer to say “I don’t know” Because I just don’t know how I feel about it.”
In some cases on some topics, I prefer to say “I don’t know” Because I just don’t know how I feel about it. Because I don’t have enough Information or I need more time to process the incoming data. Knot knowing is ok too. It’s a nice place to stay and just observe.
Mostly on things like a new song or new fruit gets me confused, and I need to taste or hear it more times to “get to know” all the different details in texture and rhythms and flavors happening. Of some things that are happening in the world… sometimes I just decide, I don’t know what is true or false anymore, I Just don’t know what to think or feel. and it all will make me feel powerless angry and depressed. I don’t have to save the world. Let’s make it a better place one little bit of the time.
So I never feel guilty about changing opinions or preferences. Next step is to not feeling guilty sometimes about being happy and privileged to be living somewhere where my kids can be safe and grow up being happy, while others in the world are not! I Just wish Everyone in this world would be safe. And that’s something I Find hard to accept.
“I will be shouting on the top of my lungs: “THIS IS MY FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR”.”
So I’m going to enjoy the winter days and hoping for snow and frozen lakes and channels. If my prayers get answered I’m going to shout on the top of my lungs: “THIS IS MY FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR”
And a few months later I will be hoping for hot sunshiney days and when it comes I will be shouting on the top of my lungs: “THIS IS MY FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR”.
And it all will be the truth because I will mean it every single time!
Blog by: Jolanda Marti
Photography: Michiel Fook