The educational system and us

This girl is a dreamer. Always with her head in the clouds and living in her own reality.
Sometimes if you carefully watch you can see it in her eyes. That moment… Her checking out of our reality and stepping into her own. And I love that about her.
In class, she has trouble concentrating on what the teacher has to say and I totally get that… What she has to say is probably totally boring to her anyway.

I look at her and I see Myself as a 7-year-old. I was just like her, and I had a terrible time learning in school! I didn’t see the point in some skills I needed to learn and I heavily resisted and resented the whole learning concept. Not because I couldn’t… but just because I wouldn’t. It was BORING!!!

Soi got a big old stamp “not too bright” “disobedient” and “lacking concentration and focus”.
What the reality was… I was just bored, totally not interested in the knowledge they offered me, and full of imagination, curiosity and creativity. Things like different cultures, nature, history, philosophy, music, and arts were my favorites in the early years.
Later came reading and writing. And only when I got much older I started liking mathematics.
The thing with me is, when I get interested in a subject, I’m a sponge! I learn really fast. I actually get a bit obsessive on it for a while until I have it down. And I just know, Miley is exactly the same!

It frustrates me that in the educational system here in Holland there is so little room for kids who are more creative and less focused on the structure and routines other people live by. I see a happy little kid, but I also see a frustrated teacher. Who would like to see her “try harder to focus”.
And to be honest, I’m ok with her not learning certain things… I think she excels in other things. I prefer to feed and explore those talents than push for something that she isn’t interested in.

After this summer all her friends are going to the next level. I think she will too, but I’m not 100% sure. And that makes me sad, because she really wants to stay with them. So I have my fingers crossed… But if they are making her repeat this year I’m switching to another school with her. A school where she can develop on her own terms. And in Holland… Those schools aren’t cheap. But I think they are leaving us little choice.

By the way, homeschooling isn’t legal in Holland. And if it was we would definitely go for an “unschooling” approach. Combined with activities to interact with friends and finding the necessary professional support for the ability’s she is ready and willing to learn at her own request whenever needed.

But, that being said… she LOVES this school so much! And she definitely doesn’t want to switch schools.
So I hope they will be able to be flexible and adapt to her needs.

I will not let the right educational system her damage her upcoming years as I know the pressure to excel on the kids will be build up. There will be tests, she will be pushed for those levels to be reached. And I don’t like it one bit.
Keeping my eye on this.

In the meantime, she is one dreaming, happy, playful, curious, beautiful little girl with a healthy positive self-image.
And I will make sure that stay’s that way!

Anny other parents struggling with the same out there!?



The educational system and us



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MONTH Vlog April 2018

This March in 4 words: Cameras, trouble, Spring & Yoga!!!
We started this month with dark clouds, cold rainy days and at the end of this month we ended up with high temperatures and blue skies!
Spring is finally here and we are loving it!

featured in this video:
– That cool vintage Volkswagen Garage –
– Yoga studio –
– “De roze hell” online series –
– Tapas restaurant:

Watch our adventures of April 2018 and don’t forget to subscribe!

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VLOG: Our engine broke down!



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Where the WILD things are…

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Life is just one big Adventure… and there must be nothing more wonderful than being a Haley of 3 years old, right here right now.
SO Happy birthday our little Wild Haley. May you always feel as confident and fearless as you are now! You are amazing!

Watch here the Birthday photo we made for her this year “WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE” inspired.
And the rest of the photo’s we took that day.

Photography: Michiel Fook

Where the WILD things are…



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Re-live our roadtrip from Amsterdam to Barcelona with us…

Videography: Michiel Fook

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Roadtrip Amsterdam to Barcelona Video



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Watching them grow up… and I wonder…

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What do you see when you look at your kids play? Do you ever wonder how they will become as adults?
No matter what, they will always be my baby’s! Take a look this new video and feel free to leave a message!

Videography: Jolanda Marti

Watching them grow up… and I wonder…



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