Weekend Links #001

Photography: Wild&BOHOJolanda Marti

Weekend links #001

We collected a few inspiring links with tons reading and watching material which made us laugh, cry, think, be inspired or amazed.
So here you have a few of our favorite links to entertain you this weekend!

favorite links this week:

TED talk

It was 2010 when I watched this Ted talk from Sir Ken Robinson that was recorded in 2006.
And i still remember how moved i was. How i agree with everything he is telling us! He is putting into words what I thought and felt all these years about our education system.

Rewarding and recognizing some skills as valuable and devaluating other skills like creativity. A heartbreaking reality. And I was moved to tears and felt understand and empowered! This is my absolute must-see TED talk of all times! So Please Please Please GO and watch this amazing TED talk and let me know what you think!

Wach this Ted talk!  

Ckickens!!! WANT!

This is making me want to have chickens! If you are thinking of getting some but still in doubt, go and read this blog post on Old Joy!

Chicken happiness!   

I LAVA it!

Oh this made me so happy!!! It’s a Pixar short of 2015, but this week saw it for the first time and it made my day!

So if you feel in the need of some happy-feel-good-Vibes… Go and watch this adorable love story.

Wach the video! 

Music: Postcards From Mars

We are a big fan of this band! We love their dreamy sound and its the perfect soundtrack to a long road trip, or lazy Sunday afternoon in October. We first saw him perform live at the album release back in 2016 and we are following his music ever since.

Listen on Spotify 

Listen on Youtube 

Plant watering LIFE-SAVERS

This girl knows what she’s talking about! No really! listen to this “crazy plant lady” she has some pretty good advice for everyone who has trouble keeping their plants hydrated!

Wach her plant watering hacks!

Follow on Insta!

@mother_ofall_adventures She has four beautiful children and shares her story with us! Talking about subjects like (postnatal) depression, loneliness, and all the struggles she encounters as a mother! She is real, pure and honest in everything she puts online. Letting us know: Mothers, the struggle is real, and you’re not alone! Love all the pictures in her feed, and the real honest way she talks with us through her insta stories! GO and follow! She’s amazing!

Take a look at this instagram profile!  

Our plans this weekend:
We have a fun weekend ahead of us, My sister in law is pregnant with my new little niece and I’m going to take some pictures of her pregnancy, and Sunday we’ll be having some friends over for dinner.
What are your plans for this weekend!?

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Weekend Links #001



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Roadtrip Amsterdam to Barcelona Video

There was a time we went on an adventure. All four of us in a bus. We had a wonderful journey, met amazing people, and saw beautiful new places. This is what #vanlife is all about! To us, it’s a bonding experience and making memories to last a lifetime!

We started this trip with the four of us, but after we came home we discovered that we were no longer four! A little-fived person had announced her arrival to us. And thinking back… she was already with us half our trip! So we came home a Family of five. 7 months after we arrived home in May 2017 our little baby girl Quinn was born! Making the road trip we had an extra special memory to us!

Re-live our roadtrip from Amsterdam to Barcelona with us…

Videography: Michiel Fook

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Roadtrip Amsterdam to Barcelona Video



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Soft winter at the Harbour

Soft winter at the Harbour

You have those harsh winter days, and those days where it’s really not necessary to wear a heavy coat but a vest will do just fine! We love our beautiful, luxurious heavy winter coats, but with a few knitted layers on it feels so much lighter and still warm without the restricted movability that a winter coat brings… So comfortable!

Michiel is a cap, hat or beanie wearing kind of guy so you will almost always find him with something on his head.  Now we’re all grown up I just love these stylish duotone caps with mixed materials. which give the cap a bit more classic feel, instead of sporty look.

Allways nice to mix things up a bit especially in the winter when temperatures can fluctuate so much in Holland!
We are wondering, where do you guys live!?

Photography: Jolanda Marti


Shop the look:

Shop the detail:

Shop the detail:

Shop the look:

Soft winter at the Harbour









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Watching them grow up… and I wonder…

Here a video about how I’m watching my kids grow up, and wonder… what will this life have in store for you? Worries, hopes, dreams, happiness. All I know is, I will be there and love them forever! It amazes me how valuable you become as a parent! Everything that happens to your kid happens to you! All the good and the bad. Loving your kid more than your own life! That is the most powerful love and connection there is.

What do you see when you look at your kids play? Do you ever wonder how they will become as adults?
No matter what, they will always be my baby’s! Take a look this new video and feel free to leave a message!

Videography: Jolanda Marti

Watching them grow up… and I wonder…



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10 ways to fight off the “Blue monday” blues!

10 ways to fight off the “Blue monday” blues!

The days are short, no Christmas or new years eve to look forward to, it all went by so fast and all your left with are some extra pounds!  The weather isn’t really making your day, most of the new year’s resolutions are already out the window… which makes you feel shit about yourself. So much to do and it feels like the summer is so, so far away! And you just feel so extremely tired and unmotivated and just maybe a little down.

Well, maybe you have a mild case of a little winter depression. Don’t worry, it won’t last that long.
The most depressing day this year is tomorrow! (January 15)
But here’s the upside: If thats the low-point, it’s all up from there! This year is only getting better from tomorrow on!
So YAY to that!

But first surviving the low-point, Blue Monday coming up!
Michiel and me went out to get some quality time together with coffee and conversations at Coffee & Cacao in Monnickendam!

Get ready to fight the blues with us! These are my 10 tips to cheer up your spirit upcoming weeks!

Blue Monday is a name given to a day in January (typically the third Monday of the month) claimed to be the most depressing day of the year. This date was picked taking many factors into consideration, including weather conditions, shorter daytime, debt level (the difference between debt accumulated and our ability to pay), time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling of a need to take action.

Blue Monday this year (2018)
is on January 15.

Photography: Michiel Fook & Jolanda Marti
Location: Coffee & Cacao   Monnickendam, the Netherlands

1- Meet friends

Chill out with your friends, talk to them, have a drink, compare stories, talk about the fun stuff like:  vacation plans, remodeling the house plans, getting a puppy and all other exciting things/hopes/dreams/plans coming up. And talk about the less fun stuff like things that are going bad, negative feelings, and problems. A friend can help you put things in perspective and can help you think of a way to make it better. But at the least, you can get things off your chest and gives you a moment to vent! And that in itself tends to help a lot to make you feel better!

Have a drink, eat, talk, laugh, cry and toast to an amazing year to come!

2- Spa Sauna day

That tension will just fall right off your back in a few hours of pampering and warm temperatures!
You deserve this! After all those months of hard work, you are allowed to treat yourself!

This is the best time to reload, just when you need it the most!
So if you could afford to go to a spa at least once a year, this would be the perfect time to plan it in.
This way your visit to the spa will have maximum effect. I’m sure it will make you feel so relaxed, inspired and positive so that you’ll be able to get back in the ring and hit the ground running on whatever challenges are lying ahead upcoming months!

3-(‎Bring the kids to grandma and) Go on a date!

For all the childless people: Get off the couch and go do something FUN!!! That’s your excuse!? Go NOW! Have fun! Or if you’re tired of that stuff: Pick up your little neeses and nephews (you will make their parent’s day) and skip to point 3 of this list!

For all the parents: Yayyyy we are going to grandma and grandpa Kids!!! Sleepover! So Exiting! The kids will be over the moon!
And we are too! What would we do without our social safety net, our parents, our friends, our family! So grateful to have them in our lives! And don’t be afraid to ask for a bit of help when you really need it! We parents often go on and on way too long before breaking down… Look after yourselves and your relationship, take the time to talk to each other. Especially with 2+ kids, you will need a break from being a parent sometimes to be a partner instead, give each other your undivided attention.

We love our kids to pieces, but there are things we miss doing together. Before there where kids, it was just us two. And you had the time to do things without entertaining a kid or you could plan a day out with all fun grownup things!
Remember the last time you could just sit at a table for two and enjoy a cup of coffee and a conversation, followed by a visit to a museum? Or go out to dinner and watch a movie after? Or… whatever you would like to without having to worry of whatever your mini is doing… But just for a little moment just be the two of you again.

And guess what!? After a few hours, you’ll see! You will miss them! And when you go and pick them up, you will have the energy to be more fun and patient parent for weeks to come!


4-‎ Bake cookies a cake or something else!

Yes! Nothing gives the house that cozy warm happy feel to it than the smell of fresh baked cookies or big delicious apple pie!
This is also amazing to do with your kids. Its fun to do when you’re making it… it smells amazing when your backing it and it makes everyone happy when you’re eating it! Yay! (writing this makes me hungry)

5-Movie Night!

Do a Netflix movie night at home with blankets, homemade popcorn and hot coco!
If you’re going to be a couch potato… be a proper couch potato like a pro! Make things as decadent and comfortable as possible!
Turn that couch into Movie watching heaven! Wait until the kids are asleep and Watch at least 2 movies with your favorite (healthy) snacks!

6-Go outside!!!

Put on your warmest coat and go outside! Take a walk in the park or go on a hike through nature! I know its tempting to stay indoors under a cozy blanket, but going outside will give your body and mind the chance to reload, get some movement, breath some fresh air and get some of that vitamin D in your system!

A walk outside may just give you that little extra energy and positivity to get other stuff going that will get you back on a positive track again!

7- Go swimming!

Yes, you heard me! even doh its cold outside! Especially with the kids! Go and make some swimming bags, put on your swimsuit and go to an indoor tropical swim-paradise! Just use that imagination and act like you’re on a tropical island adventure! Play, jump, have fun! And be in the moment! when you’re back home everyone will get all fuzzy and tired and everyone will sleep like a rose that night! On behalf of your kids, can i just say… Best-Day-Ever!  And happy kids = happy parents!

8- Get creative!

We love to watch our favorite tv series or watch a movie, but a few times a week we leave the tv off, put on some nice music, pour ourselves a drink and just get creative! We do or create whatever we feel like. Like a nice and relaxed art-jam. Most of the times its just the two of us, but over the years we have organized a few art-jam-nights with friends so we can be creative and inspire each other. Being creative is such a wide concept, it could be a drawing, painting, writing, brainstorming on some ideas in a notebook, making new clothes, doing something with your interior, it can be a small project or a big one, and if I could, I would love to make music. (something that’s definitely on my bucket list) but I don’t have those skills yet, so we just keep it at just listening to music for now!

Being creative is great for stress relief. Everyone is talented in some way or another! The problem is that people tend to stress on the fact that whatever they are creating should be “good enough” and that is such a big roadblock. Art cant be wrong, as long as you enjoy making it! Don’t be so hard on yourself and try to have fun!

9- Take care of your health!

Yes I know you’re tired and feeling like eating junk food on the coutch, and that is’n the end of the world. But try and balance that out with lots of delicious fresh fruits and veggies! Combine that with a nice workout or a yoga session and you will definitely feel better and energized with and get all those nice endorphins flowing! That way it’s okay to relax and chill out and eat cookies on some other nights and you get the best of both worlds. Having those two in balance will make all the difference. No extreme health and workout regimes or extreme couch potato-laziness (and all the guilt and tiredness that come with that).

Finding the right balance is hard in the dark winter days after all the holidays already far behind us and still a lot of winter days to go.
But a little bit of movement and extra vitamins will give you the kickstart you need to get up and smile again.

10- Bring some green into the house.

Most of the trees outside have lost their leaves months ago and it will still take a few months for the new fresh leaves to grow back.
Plants are air purifiers. They help remove dangerous compounds from fuels, furnishings, and clothing. They help you feel healthy, happy and fights depression! It also makes you focus better, brings out your creativity and calms you!

So go and get yourself some plant-babies!
Tip: look for palms if you’re looking for some low-maintenance greens in your home!


So tell us!? Have you got a bad case of the Blue Monday Blues?
Do you have additional tips? Leave us your experiences in the comments!

x Jolanda

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10 ways to fight off the “Blue monday” blues!



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