Bohemian roomtour – Urban Jungle

Eclectic Urban Jungle

Take a look in our Bohemian styled home. We have created an urban jungle filled with beautiful plants, macrame, flower wreaths, vintage finds, artwork and carefully selected and styled toy corner for our kids.

You can find our previous roomtour here:

We hope you like it! If you do, please make sure to let us know in the comments and subscribe to our channel!

  Jolanda, Michiel,
Miley Haley & Quinn

Music in this video is by:
Meydän –

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Bohemian roomtour – Urban Jungle



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The masterplan!

So if you follow me on Instagram or if you read my blog post about that Curveball, you maybe know we hit a rough spot last December. Things were looking a bit grim.
Things needed to change.

So like our chalkboard says:   – JUST BREATHE! –

Never the less, staying positive and trusting that everything would be ok was my number one priority.
And It might just be that faith was pushing us in the right direction after all!
We did a lot of soul searching, brainstorming with family, friends and some dear followers on Instagram, and a LOT of talking with my love and partner in crime Michiel.
And then we had a big EURIKA moment… It was SO CLEAR! Why didn’t we see this before, it was right there under our noses! All the pieces of the puzzle fell in to place. 

So here it is…We are officially launching our new service of CREATIVE CONTENT CREATION.

So from now on, the kind of video’s and photography productions we are making for our blog, Instagram, our vlogs and our wedding couples with LuminantWeddings are now also available for brands and other influencers.

We can make some beautiful content for any brand, product or service with our signature style and quality! Tailored to your needs! In the past, we already have made some beautiful content for brands as: 

Preview of the new website:
(the blog text will continue under the images)


Preview of the new website:


We are ready to turn our full attention to doing more of these projects! Go to
for more info Or send me a message through our contact form.

We have more going on! 

This is just one of the changes we made to evolve as professional creatives while doing what we are good at and love to do! Aside from taking on these projects, we are active in these things:

Wild & BOHO!
Well Duh! We will keep on writing and creating content here on Wild & Boho!
While this didn’t start out as a form of income, it certainly became one along the way.
As always we will keep on sharing our stories, photography, and videos.
We spend a lot of our time on creating this content to share and inspire, so we are so grateful that some beautiful brands with respect for nature and people have asked us to collaborate with them.
Because of them, it is possible for us to spend more hours on our blog and create more content to share with you guys! So we will definitely keep that going!

Shop our Interior
Maybe you have noticed the shopping cart icon on the website… We are looking at creating a small line of art, and other personal made or vintage found items and seeds from our garden to sell here! So that way you can shop our interior and garden!  We will be launching the webshop somewhere at the end of this month or beginning of February.

Searching for the perfect job!
We are entrepreneurs for 14 years now but never say never… We are since half December applying to some vacancies at awesome companies with flexible hours and creative positions. We only apply to inspiring jobs that allow us to continue our own ambitions and challenges us to help them grow and develop our own skills in a nice team with wonderful co-workers! And who knows, with the right kind of conditions one of us might start working somewhere at a new job.

Luminant Weddings
We have been doing weddings fulltime now for the last 5 years. Doing weddings is incredibly inspiring, but its also very hard work. And now it’s time to broaden our horizon.  We still absolutely love to do weddings, we want to keep on being Inspired and have less pressure of so manny wedding day’s and thousands of photo’s to select and edit in just 6 months of the year. We want to go from doing 18 wedding a year, down to a maximum of 9 weddings a year. That makes our season of 2019 half full now. We still have room for 4 more wedding couples. This way we can focus more on these few weddings and have less stress and pressure to deliver all the images and video’s on time. And therefore we will be happier and more creative in everything we do. Less is more!

But first and foremost:

Do you know someone who could use some new awesome content!? Spread the word!

Jolanda, Michiel
Miley, Haley & Quinn


Blog post: Jolanda Marti
Photography: Michiel Fook

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Alternative Christmas tree

We made an alternative Christmas tree this year!


This is why we went for an alternative, breaking tradition, and how we made it!   No need to kill a tree for us to feel the Christmas vibes this year. Besides from the awesome looks of our Christmas piece de resistance, we had a little more thoughts and philosophy behind it.

Growing speed of a Christmas tree.

A Christmas tree is a living thing that has to grow for 7 to 11 years to reach a height of 2 meters (that’s +/- 6,5 feet tall). Only to be cut down and to be used as disposable decoration for a few weeks during the holiday season!

Did you know the oldest tree in the world is a Christmas tree? Its located in Sweden and is 9550 years old! Yes, that’s right… nine-thousand-five-hundred-and-fifty years old.
This tree was already around before humans had formed a civilization and us as a human species where still figuring out how to transition from a nomadic hunting & gathering species to a farming species. And it watched us evolve into the beings we are today.

Every Christmas tree had the potential to be hundreds of years old. But we find it necessary to give it 10 years of life before disposing of it because we find it  “a nice tradition” I’m finding it such a waste. there is nothing build with the wood, its just decoration. And traditions evolve.

“the tree survived the horror… Will you yank it out of the ground again the next year!?

And so for the last 3 years, I’ve bought a tree with roots, and after Christmas, I’ve tried to save it for the next year. And I’ve failed 3 times in a row. So depressing, my baby tree just gave in every single time.

I know it’s possible to get a christmas tree to stay alive in the full ground, but I never managed to get it to survive until the next year. There are so many things that can go wrong… The tree lost a big portion of its roots because we pulled it out of the ground and often a big portion breaks or is just cut off when harvesting the trees. Moving the tree from the forest/Christmas tree farm to storage, to the place where you buy it, to your home where it’s way too hot for the tree (If the tree stands too close to a radiator of a fireplace It probably won’t make it through the holidays anyway. Make sure to keep the roots moist at all times.

And finally, you move it to the garden. Where the temperature difference is another shock on top of the damage the tree has suffered. Once planted in the ground you will have to wait and see what happens. Its possible the tree won’t survive a hot summer because of the lack of roots it will easily dry out. No wonder I never succeeded. It is possible to get it right. but the chances you will succeed are not really big.

Once you’ve succeeded… And the tree survived the horror and is standing happely in the ground for a whole 11 months… Will you yank it out of the ground again the next year!? Aside from that, it’s really hard to pull a tree out of the ground with most of the roots intact. Especially without some heavy eqipment. But would you!? I think I wouldn’t… So? Planting a new tree in the garden every year didn’t felt like a good option. So This year I’ve tried something new…

-“We decorated it with lights and a selection of my favourite tree decorations in White, wood and koper. “

This spring we braided big hoops out of the pruned twigs of our willow tree. We let them dry and I use them as wall decoration combined with flowers.
I stick fresh flowers in-between the braided twigs until they form a nice composition and let them dry.

So when Christmas came I decided to take a few branches from our huge pine-tree in our backyard and braided that into my hoop to make an alternative Christmas tree for this year. We decorated it with lights and a selection of my favorite tree decorations in White, wood, and copper.
And we totally love how it turned out!

All the advantages to this masterpiece apposed to a “real tree”:
-It’s taking up less space in our little home (BIG WIN)
-I’ve used real pine-branches, so it actually smells like Christmas.
-It’s less expensive
-The kids or cat can’t reach it with their playful little paws.
-It has a real stylish minimalistic look but has still all the Christmassy vibes.
-You don’t have to waste a tree that has been growing for 8 years.

Once I posted a picture on Instagram I’ve got so many lovely reactions! So I’m glad some of you got inspired to do things a bit different this year!

-“This Christmas tree will be back next year in a new composition.“-

And now The new year has come, and it feels like a fresh start. Same us, but a whole new year like a black slate for us to write our story!
Anyway, I’m feeling the need to start this new year in a clean home… I’m packing up all the Christmas decorations and getting new flowers or maybe some nice grasses to braid into a new “winter” themed hoop. 

This Christmas tree will be back next year in a new composition. Maybe I’ll make a DIY tutorial vlog with it!? Who knows…

Hope everyone of you had a great Holliday!

Love,  Jolanda

Blog by: Jolanda Marti Photography: Michiel Fook

Slowing Down! – Recap 2018

Happy new year everyone!

Time is flying by and everything is going so fast.
Treasure every second!

Here is an overview of our treasured memories of the year 2018. We hope you had a great year and a wonderful new years eve.

May 2019 bring you all the love and happiness in the world!

  Jolanda, Michiel,
Miley Haley & Quinn

Music in this video is by:
Meydän –

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Slowing Down! – Recap 2018



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About this Curveball…

Uncertainties are scary yet exciting…

Normally we like to share our highs, but we do hit some low’s along the way, just like everybody else. So let’s get real. So here is one huge bump in the road we are dealing with right now.

The beginning of 2018 brought us stability… Something we haven’t had in quite a while. I didn’t have any pregnancies or newborns this year in our family of 5 (we think our little family is complete now) and we had a stable income through our Wedding photography (If you were wondering… this is what we do). No crazy sh*t happening around us. Just a nice day to day routine and all was good. We finally got into the flow of balancing work and family.

On top of that my Instagram and this blog started to generate some income too! We had some pretty awesome collaborations amazing brands. It’s still not enough to stop doing weddings (not that want to stop doing weddings, weddings are awesome). But it was enough to let all the photo and video editing after we shot the wedding days over to Michiel, so I could focus on investing my time on creating content for this blog, the vlog, and my Instagram!

-“And then came Oktober… Oh my. What a curve ball!”-

The curveball

Things were pretty amazing!

And then came Oktober… Oh my. What a curve ball!
Our stable income was not so stable anymore.
The short version: We don’t have enough weddings in 2019 to keep ourselves afloat! So we need to make some adjustments. We need to push ourselves out of our comfort zone once again.

To fully understand what happened I need to explain it a bit more:
It takes us 2,5 week to process all the photo and video images of just one wedding. We do a maximum of 18 weddings every year. We don’t have room for more. 
The summer month we survive with the income of the weddings, the winter months we survive on the down payments for the upcoming weddings and the orders of wedding albums of the past wedding season.

We reach 90% of our clients through the biggest wedding fair in Holland. We participate two times a year, and then we are fully booked.
No need for online ads, campaigns or another form of advertising.
But this year, the wedding fair of October was a complete fail. Where normally there are on average 5000 visitors, now there were only 1000. We got ZERO bookings from that fair this year. Something that has never happened before in the last 5 years. And on top of that, the fair of March 2019 is canceled. The whole fair stopped. Forever!

-“looking back afterward it always has been exactly the way it should have been. We just didn’t know it yet at the time.”-

So now we have 4 weddings booked for 2019, Wich generates not enough to get us through this winter, or the next summer for that matter. so we need to get familiar with online advertising. But oh’my… its all sooo complicated and time-consuming learning process. And we don’t have the time, we need bookings like yesterday.


So Now what!?

I’m positive that we get this online advertising thing down soon, and we’ll get enough bookings for the upcoming summer. But until then, we have a bit of a financial problem. So one of us needs a job somewhere for the upcoming 4 months. On “project base” or for a longer period of time if we like it enough. And with “we”, I mean preferably Michiel. I want to stay focused on creating our content and keep the inspiring Wild&BOHO collabs going! I’m only selectively applying to jobs that I would LOVE to do so much, that I would maybe ditch all other stuff and stay working there forever! And there are not so many vacancies out there that will get my attention. I’ve written 3 so far. Michiel 5 and counting. We’ll see…

-“It’s not a curveball… its a Pusch in the right direction by the universe.”-

I’m stressing a lot about the What If’s.
Our reserves are running dry and something needs to happen soon! The uncertainties are taking its toll. Images of every imaginable scenario are going through my monkey mind. The never-ending chatter of my internal dialogue who sometimes gets stuck in a carousel… Going round and round in circles. Pointless and exhausting. We are doing our best here, there really is nothing more we can do.

One of my goals for 2019 is to just let the universe do its thing.
I’m going to do the best job I can, work my but off, and then I’m going to let it go. No stress. Trusting everything will be fine. Because looking back afterward it always has been exactly the way it should have been. We just didn’t know it yet at the time. This is a chance to grow, evolve, move forward instead of getting stuck in the same pattern over and over again. It’s not a curveball… its a Pusch in the right direction by the universe.

Our glass is half full. We have love, we have each other, we have our creativity, we have a nice home. We’ll pull through. 

-“Because of you this blog and our Instagram has started to become a way to support our family”-

So if you reached all the way to this point in the blog, I want to thank you for reading!
You are here not only for our best moments but apparently also here for our struggles.
Thank you for being there for us, for following our blogs, watching our video’s, checking out our Instagram posts and by leaving a comment now and then. Because of you this blog and our Instagram has started to become a way to support our family a bit! Maybe one day we can fully focus on creating art and cool content full time! We appreciate your support so much. So Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Have a Wonderful New year’s eve! We love you guys!

Jolanda, Michiel
Miley, Haley & Quinn


Blog post: Jolanda Marti
Photography: Michiel Fook

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About this Curveball…



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