VLOG: Vintage Volkswagen Vanlife meeting!

It was so much fun! We went to the 2 day Airmighty Ben Pon Air-cooled Volkswagen meeting at Amersfoort! We loved it! We did have some car trouble (or should I say van-trouble) on our way over there, but we made it there in the end.

Please follow our channel and click on the notification bell to be updated on all new uploaded video’s!

Ben Pon Show: https://www.benpon.com/

Music by:
General Jabbah – https://www.generaljabbah.com/
Joakim karud – https://www.youtube.com/joakimkarud
Frankie Wah – https://soundcloud.com/frankie-wah/

VLOG: Vintage Volkswagen Vanlife meeting!



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3 day camping trip with KIIND magazine

We went on a 3-day trip and meet other like-minded parents at the KIIND Weekend from Kiind magazine.

Lots of breastfeeding, babywearing, and gentle parenting people.
Lovely to see everyone respecting each other’s choices and differences and bonding together based on the love we all have to raise our kids with love the best we possibly can!
And that’s what unites all parents I guess!

So lovely to see and meet all those parents who are openminded, adventures and relaxed with their kids.

We also went there to make the official event video and promo.
As soon as that video one is online I will put the link to the video here.

Music by:

Scott Holmes – https://scottholmesmusic.com/

Joakim Karud – http://youtube.com/joakimkarud

All The Fires – http://www.myspace.com/allthefires

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3 day camping trip with KIIND magazine



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The educational system and us

This girl is a dreamer. Always with her head in the clouds and living in her own reality.
Sometimes if you carefully watch you can see it in her eyes. That moment… Her checking out of our reality and stepping into her own. And I love that about her.
In class, she has trouble concentrating on what the teacher has to say and I totally get that… What she has to say is probably totally boring to her anyway.

I look at her and I see Myself as a 7-year-old. I was just like her, and I had a terrible time learning in school! I didn’t see the point in some skills I needed to learn and I heavily resisted and resented the whole learning concept. Not because I couldn’t… but just because I wouldn’t. It was BORING!!!

Soi got a big old stamp “not too bright” “disobedient” and “lacking concentration and focus”.
What the reality was… I was just bored, totally not interested in the knowledge they offered me, and full of imagination, curiosity and creativity. Things like different cultures, nature, history, philosophy, music, and arts were my favorites in the early years.
Later came reading and writing. And only when I got much older I started liking mathematics.
The thing with me is, when I get interested in a subject, I’m a sponge! I learn really fast. I actually get a bit obsessive on it for a while until I have it down. And I just know, Miley is exactly the same!

It frustrates me that in the educational system here in Holland there is so little room for kids who are more creative and less focused on the structure and routines other people live by. I see a happy little kid, but I also see a frustrated teacher. Who would like to see her “try harder to focus”.
And to be honest, I’m ok with her not learning certain things… I think she excels in other things. I prefer to feed and explore those talents than push for something that she isn’t interested in.

After this summer all her friends are going to the next level. I think she will too, but I’m not 100% sure. And that makes me sad, because she really wants to stay with them. So I have my fingers crossed… But if they are making her repeat this year I’m switching to another school with her. A school where she can develop on her own terms. And in Holland… Those schools aren’t cheap. But I think they are leaving us little choice.

By the way, homeschooling isn’t legal in Holland. And if it was we would definitely go for an “unschooling” approach. Combined with activities to interact with friends and finding the necessary professional support for the ability’s she is ready and willing to learn at her own request whenever needed.

But, that being said… she LOVES this school so much! And she definitely doesn’t want to switch schools.
So I hope they will be able to be flexible and adapt to her needs.

I will not let the right educational system her damage her upcoming years as I know the pressure to excel on the kids will be build up. There will be tests, she will be pushed for those levels to be reached. And I don’t like it one bit.
Keeping my eye on this.

In the meantime, she is one dreaming, happy, playful, curious, beautiful little girl with a healthy positive self-image.
And I will make sure that stay’s that way!

Anny other parents struggling with the same out there!?



The educational system and us



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Confessions of a yogi

Let’s talk!

The #Confessionsofayogi movement is back and they asked me to be one of the hosts of the new #Confessionsofayogi Instagram 7 day yoga challenge from 14 – 20 May 2018!

Huge honor! And of course, I said YES! Time to push myself out of my comfort zone and share some yoga pictures and thoughts!
This cool challenge was powered by TheFatYogis and they are giving a 3-month free access to everyone who joins us for 7 days!!!

SO…Let’s talk SELF IMAGE!!!
Here are the 7 posts I shared during this challenge!

They are just making it up as they go along. And from that moment on, I felt like it was ok to doubt myself, that it was ok to just go for it and see where things will lead me. Not to be certain of anything or scared of failing. Failing is ok. And acting like you are in control does work empowering. But sharing your insecurities fearlessly feels liberating. Allways working on balancing those two things in my life… when to stand tall and proud, and when to share your weaknesses and insecurities to be supported and understood.

So anyone else here not knowing what the hell they’re doing and just winging it in life!? X Jolanda

Day 1 of #Confessionsofayogi


Who we really feel we are on the inside doesn’t always show on the outside.
Who is your inner you? And how do you let them out?
There’s the thing… I have no idea of what I’m doing. (SWIPE TO SEE the 3 sec. later photo) Most of the time I’m just improvising. Trying to do the best I can and trusting my instincts while at the same downing every step I’m taking. With everything, I do in life. With work, with raising kids, at home, while traveling, with yoga, with all of this “being an adult” thing. But apparently, the trick is to do everything with an attitude like “yeah, I got this”.I exactly remember the moment as a kid where I had the epiphany, that clear moment of realizing… all the grown-ups are faking it. My teachers, my parents, all the others… all these adults are acting like they know what it’s all about like they have all the answers and loads of self-confidence. But it’s all smoke and mirrors.

Day 2 of #Confessionsofayogi 


I TALK A LOT. No, but really a.lot. I can’t help myself. It just pours out of me! Like there’s a direct link between my thoughts and my mouth! The filters in between are paper thin to hold back the most stupid, impulsive or hurtful thoughts, but anything else just flies right out! I’m an open book. Holding back feels like the world upside-down to me. Especially when meeting new people whom I like, look up to, or whom I want to impress or just like me. It all went just fine, and everything was good.
But afterward, I start going over the conversation over and over again in my head… did I talk too much!? Did I say anything stupid, or did I say anything that could be misunderstood!? Did I make a fool out of myself!? A thing like this could keep me feeling like sh*t for hours or even days. And when I get lost in this loop of negative feelings and thoughts, I need @5ofusinabusto pull me out.
It all comes down to this: I am insecure about the impression I leave behind to people because over the years, growing up, I’ve been told so many times that I talk too much. By different people, so it must be true. I’m not able to embrace this or feel confident about it
Anny chatty people restraining themselves (or unsuccessful trying to) because of what others may think!?
No matter how cool you feel, there’s always that thing that manages to trigger your insecurities. Is it that body part you hate? Your teeth when you smile? A move you can’t make? The things you say?

Day 3 of #Confessionsofayogi


RESILIENCE. No matter what life swings at me. I tend to see the positive. I tend to work towards goals. But if I end up in a different place or the goal didn’t meet up to my expectations, I adapt, embrace the situation and see the positive. CHOOSING to enjoy rather than to mope or be angry at the situation.
Being flexible, and not just the body practecing yoga… but being flexible in expectations in life. Optimistic, happy, light, relaxed, resilient. Being able to choose to react that way, and truly feel that way. Finding so many reasons to be happy in the NOW, rather than the “later”. And teaching my kids to find happiness in everyday life.
Let it shine! Show us, or tell us about that thing that’s just beautiful about you. A move, or a thought, or a part of your body.
We wanna see you shine!!

Day 4 of #Confessionsofayogi


We’re all at least a little bit crooked. A little weird.
My crookedness, my WEIRDNESS is just all of me. I’ve never been the one that fits in. I’ve been bullied in school to the extent that I had to change school. I wasn’t just bullied by the kids, I was bullied by the teachers. The kids just followed by example… which is infuriating! Treated differently because I was the weird kid, the one not paying attention, always dreaming, drifted off in my own bubble asking weird questions for a kid like: “how come the galaxy is never ending… and if there is a wall… whats behind it?” or “until how far can we keep on counting” I know, super annoying to a teacher to deal with those kind of questions while trying to teach kids to read. But I was just a kid, and I found school extremely boring.
Thankfully my amazing mom pulled me out just in time and found another school where my creative (monkey brain) mind had a bit more freedom! And there I fitted in a bit more, still the weird one as always. But that was just fine, it was celebrated. It gave me back my self-worth… I accept I’m not what others conceive as “normal”. When most people go left I go right. And thankfully I found someone swimming in the same direction as I did. So now I swim together with @5ofusinabus and our tree beautifully weird little baby girls. And swimming together makes it all so much easier not to care what others may think.
What crookedness are you blessed with?

At this moment my third baby girl is one year old. And I’m in no rush what so ever to get back like in photo nr.1 that moment will come all on it’s own living a healthy lifestyle and my dna. But that skin is something that will never change! And that’s ok with me! I love my body! I rather have my three baby’s than perfect skin! And I think all moms agree with me! That sh*t doesn’t matter. Love your body! It created LIFE!
I will post the other challenge posts today and tomorrow. I have some catching up to do!!! So tell me!
How do you change?
The one thing we know for sure is that everything will always change. How do you deal with a changing body? With life changes? How does that impact your self-image?

So better late then never here’s my
Day 5 of #Confessionsofayogi


This first picture is a #latergram and was took on 1,5 year after baby number two. Healthy habits like eating good food, doing yoga and a looot of patience got me to that point. But don’t think my belly was just as it was before having kids. My skin had changed a lot. This photo is a result of good lighting and good posture. My belly was this flat, but not all the time. After eating curtain things I do get a bit bloated. But the biggest change my body had made was that my skin was (and still is) looking a bit funny too in certain positions…


Click on the image to ENLARGE the photo!

Check out my perfectly “imperfect” belly/skin. LOVE YOUR (MOM)BODY!!!

Yes still on it! Here my
Day 6 of #Confessionsofayogi


Overcoming something right now… I typed a very long caption about how I overcome things on a daily basis. And now I have to type it all over again because Instagram just posted my picture without any caption. Just blank! Aghhh! So frustrating! ?
So here we go again… ?
I’m a bit of a control freak, so whenever I find myself in a frustrating, scary, uncomfortable situation I’m not able too just sit there and to nothing. So I always try to do something about either the situation or my way if reacting to the situation. I don’t like to have negative feelings or thoughts. But I’m not going to let my own fears and insecurities hold me back. So I keep on talking to (new) people even do I know it could hunt me for days (read challenge day 2 post) or something like putting a new vlog or blog post online. Clicking on the “publish” button is really scary stuff. But I do it anyway. Taking a deep breath and just JUMP! What’s the worst thing that could happen!? Life is to short. .
That feeling of levelling up, of transcending. When you’ve been bothered about things about yourself for so long, and then one day you overcome it. The stuff that most bothered you might even have become your pride.
How do you change?

Day 7 of #Confessionsofayogi


Well I think at this moment in life, this ” Mom thing” is overwhelming, fun, hard and crazy but above all else, it’s by far the most empowering thing I have ever experienced
What empowers you most? What is it you do, or feel, or experience that boosts everything for you? That turns darkness into light?
Show us your empowered you!






And that’s it!

I loved to think about these themes and what they meant to me!
Yoga is about so much more than just a series of movements.
It was so nice to read all of the other participant posts and seeing so many honest and sincere yoga posts on Instagram!
Such a lovely community!

Do you ever take part in Instagram (yoga) challenges!?
I would love to hear about it!

Confessions of a yogi



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VLOG: Our engine broke down!

MONTH Vlog April 2018

This March in 4 words: Cameras, trouble, Spring & Yoga!!!
We started this month with dark clouds, cold rainy days and at the end of this month we ended up with high temperatures and blue skies!
Spring is finally here and we are loving it!

featured in this video:
– That cool vintage Volkswagen Garage – https://www.marco-supplies.com/
– Yoga studio – http://www.yogaways.nl/
– “De roze hell” online series – https://www.ad.nl/video/show/de-roze-hel~vs864
– Tapas restaurant: https://www.lacubanita.nl/

Watch our adventures of April 2018 and don’t forget to subscribe!

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VLOG: Our engine broke down!



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VLOG: Vanlife season is opened!

MONTH Vlog March 2018

This March in 4 words: Toys, #vanlife, swordfights & Caffeine!!!
It was sooo cold at the beginning of this month! And by the time we reached the end of March 2018 it was obvious spring was knocking on our door! This month we had sword fights, coffee events, wedding fairs, Creative inspiration events, and starting the #Vanlife again!

Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe, at the time of uploading this video we have 79 subscribers! Let’s see if we finally can reach that 100!!!

Creative life event: http://wildandboho.com/2018/04/10/creative-life-2018/

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VLOG: Vanlife season is opened!



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