We went on a 3-day trip and meet other like-minded parents at the KIIND Weekend from Kiind magazine.
Lots of breastfeeding, babywearing, and gentle parenting people.
Lovely to see everyone respecting each other’s choices and differences and bonding together based on the love we all have to raise our kids with love the best we possibly can!
And that’s what unites all parents I guess!
So lovely to see and meet all those parents who are openminded, adventures and relaxed with their kids.
We also went there to make the official event video and promo.
As soon as that video one is online I will put the link to the video here.
Music by:
Scott Holmes – https://scottholmesmusic.com/
Joakim Karud – http://youtube.com/joakimkarud
All The Fires – http://www.myspace.com/allthefires

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3 day camping trip with KIIND magazine