Four questions I ask myself before I decide what I’m wearing that day!
As a busy mommy of three girls, a Wedding photography business and a fanatic adventurer I absolutely need to wear clothes that fit me comfortable and makes me feel confident in whatever I have planned for the day!

How do I feel?
Most of the time that is highly depending on my plans for the day and the weather.
But factors, like having lots of energy or being tired, feeling creative, feeling sexy, happy or sad, are all things that are pushing me towards that jumpsuit or that yellow dress instead!

Everything I wear must feel comfortable on me! I need to be able to move.
Try running after a three-year-old a one-year-old and a seven-year-old In a super long maxi-dress and a pair of beautiful stiletto’s
Or photographing a wedding in a cute pencil skirt.
Nope. I need clothes that fit me perfectly and allow me to MOVE freely.
I do actually have a pencil skirt in my closet i love… but there it stays because I just never feel like wairing it.
And I rarely wair jeans, because my vagina doesn’t agree to be all crammed and crushed by a pair of stiff jeans. I get all itchy especially if I have an office day where i sit a lot in a chair and just No, nope nope nope. Stretchy pants, leggings, loose-fitting stuff preferably from natural materials, or just my panties under a nice little dress.

What is the weather like?
YAY sunshine!!! So I put on my happy little yellow dress and jump outside… and immediately run back inside to get myself a nice pair of stockings and a warm vest. Oops! Sunshiney day’s in March can be deceiving! So temperatures are nice to know before choosing my outfit! Oh yes, and I go by the onion-method a lot! Layers so I can peel off whenever I get too hot or put them back on when I get to warm.

Can I easily pop a boob out for breastfeeding my baby?
With my first baby, it happened to me a couple of times. We were out somewhere, baby got hungry and started screaming.
And me wearing a cute little A-line dress with high neckline. The only way of getting that boob out was to pull my dress up all the way to my breast! Which meant I felt like I pracktecly had to strip down naked to feed her. We managed to find a solution. but it’s not very convenient!
So: Something with a low round or V-neckline or something that can be opened up in the front or the back with a zipper.

So when I wake up in a happy mood feeling like dancing and the sun is out making it the perfect summers day…
I wear something like this!
Happy summer days everyone! We are loving these temperatures! What are you wearing today! Let me know on my insta or in the comments below! x
Photography: Michiel Fook
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Four questions I ask myself on what to wear as a working and breastfeeding mom!