Chopping wood is Therapeutic

let them express their inner Rugged bearded man!


Chopping wood, Therapeutic for him. That’s what I would call it…

During the lunch break, or after dinner, Michiel loves to get outside and shop some wood. Rain or shine, Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter! He is out there chopping his logs in to big chunks of lumber for the fire.

And to be honest, there can never be to much lumber.
During the spring, summer, and fall we make nice campfires in our backyard.
And we are looking for a nice stove to keep us warm and cozy during winter months!


“It’s in our DNA as humans. There is a fascination with creating fire with most men.”

 I guess it’s a primal thing, making lumber to keep fires going has been a ritual for thousands of years.  It’s in our DNA as humans. There is a fascination with creating fire with most men. At least, that’s what I’m seeing.

Look at the neighborhood barbecue… Where are the men? Where the fire is! Haha, a little bunch of pyromaniacs with their beer in hand poking the fire.

So I say… let them chop wood. It’s good for the soul. Letting them follow that primal instinct, letting out all their negative energy and frustration on the logs.
Letting them be wild instinct-driven bushcraft motherfuckers! They are providing wood. Providing warmth. Providing protection from the cold. Providing the fire which we all can gather around.  Hear him roar! My strong man. Gosh, o’ my! Look at him being all provide-dy and stuff! Suddenly I forget I’m an independent woman who can chop her own wood just fine. I bet he would catch me whenever I would faint. Oh wait, he actually did once when I was pregnant! See!? My strong wood chopping for-family-providing-and-protecting man!


“a genius guide that can lead any aspiring Burschcraft motherfucker in the right direction!”


So, whenever he gets grumpy… tell him to go out and chop some wood. Youll see. He’ll come back a whole other man. 😉 Thank you Weltevree for gearing us up with this fresh and sharp new blade for Michiel to get his chopping on! And we are so happy with this Dutch guide that publishing agency SNOR sent to us, it’s a genius guide that can lead any aspiring Burschcraft motherfucker in the right direction! (brilliant fathers day tip for all the dutchies)

Ladies! Do you send your men out to do some chopping and de-stress!?
Or is it just me?

Blog by: Jolanda Marti
Photography: Jolanda Marti & Michiel Fook

“man of the house” MUST HAVES

In this insta-proof flatlay, we laid everything out for you. All the must-haves to make him feel like the ultimate survival backyard bushcraft badass.

from left to right – top to bottom:

Follow Michiel on Instagram!

Our story from his point of view! More guy stuff and how to be a badass dad to 3 badass girls!

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Chopping wood is Therapeutic



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Getting a greener home

Energy friendly home
Living in a small home of only 50 square meters (=538 square feet) is one of the choices we’ve made to be more sustainable as a family. But because this is a home build in 1952, the Insolation was not what we wanted it to be. So in the last couple of years, we made some big steps in improving the insolation of our home.

For instance, we got double glazing in our windows in 2014, we insolated the roof back in 2017 (watch this dutch vlog from back then), and Insolated the crawling space under our home in 2018 (see this Englisch vlog), and we have LED lighting in our home.

This whole process is really expensive so we are taking one step at the time and every single change is taking us a little bit closer to our eco-friendly home dream.

Next steps we hope to take very soon:
-Insolating the double brick outside walls.
-Energy management system to track how much we use.
-Solar panels.
-Floor insolation.
-Heat pump hybrid system. (And Floor heating to make it more effective)

Because we are just a bunch of hippies on an eco-friendly mission Eneco asked if we were interested in a collab with them. So we did! We visited another family who is a few steps ahead of us and already has a lot of the eco-friendly solutions we are dreaming of in their home! Oh my! We are loving it!

And they had such a great family with two lovely little boys and a playful dog. We had a great time with them.
We were invited to stay for dinner so we did! Tiny little bummer to see all those throw-away plastic take-out containers on the table, but I guess our eco-crazy hippie standard is next level for most people. And they were certainly more energy-friendly than us! We all do what we can. baby steps.  So we all enjoyed the food and the lovely company.

Eneco made a lovely video of our visit! (Sorry, it’s only in dutch) You can check it out down here:

We went back home feeling inspired! Hopefully some day in the near future we get to have that energy-green home we are dreaming of. Until then I’m just making it greener with all of my plants!

  Jolanda, Michiel,
Miley Haley & Quinn

Oh, and p.s. Thanks for the levely flowers Eneco! So thoughtfull love it!

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Getting a greener home



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