Exploring Holland and Germany! Part 2 of our Vanlife adventure
We went on a little vanlife adventure meeting up with our family at the border of Holland and Germany. We celebrated Quinn’s first birthday and Mothers day!
This was video part 2 (out of 3) of our adventure!
Featured in this video:
Wildlife park Anholter Schweiz: http://www.anholter-schweiz.de/en/
Sunscreen: https://naifcare.com/product/zonnebrandcreme-met-natuurlijke-filter
Small Statue I got from Mothers day from
Lammers & Lammers
Our tent is from Decathlon:
Music by:
Birdbirdbird – https://audiojungle.net/user/birdbirdbird
how the night came – https://howthenightcame.wordpress.com/
Ben Sound – https://www.bensound.com
Joakim Karud – http://youtube.com/joakimkarud