Voor we heerlijk wegkruipen in onze Winterslaap modus [+Podcast #01]

Voor we heerlijk wegkruipen in onze Winterslaap modus



De lente voelt alsof je plotseling omhoog springt en een lange aanloop neemt voordat je een diepe duik maakt vol verwachting in de warme en wilde zomerdagen. Spetterend om je heen in de zonnestralen, rennen, springen van pure vreugde en speelsheid! Tot we buiten adem zijn. Compleet tevreden en herladen en we ons laten zinken in de naderende gezelligheid … frisse lucht, vallende bladeren, regendruppels op ons vensterglas. De meest verbazingwekkende kleuren en we zijn klaar om los te laten, naar binnen te duiken en ons gekoesterd en veilig te voelen.Gezellig bij warme, zachte dekens, warme chocolademelk, sneeuwvlokken die onze huid raken, vlammen dansen in de haard. De winter is onze cocon. En we overwinteren. Voordat de geur van de lente ons weer wakker maakt en we omhoog springen …

Voor de Winterslaap

We zorgen ervoor dat we genieten van de laatste warme zonnestralen en absorberen het allemaal op. We brachten onze warme vesten en een picknick met ons mee.

Springen, klimmen en spelen in het bos. Het herinnerde me aan de tijd dat we een paar maanden geleden gingen picknicken. We stonden aan het begin van het “buiten” seizoen, we wisten niet wat de zomer zou brengen, en nu kijken we terug op een geweldige lente en zomer en maken we ons op voor de “koude en gezellige” dagen. In het voorjaar zag het hele bos er anders uit, rook het anders, voelde het anders aan toen onze voeten de grond raakten. Dit jaar is het de eerste keer dat we ‘Minimal’ schoenen dragen en het heeft onze loopervaring voor altijd veranderd. Er is geen weg terug. En rennen en springen door het bos is het fijnst op onze minimal schoenen van Wildling!

Next up: Winter

We zijn er klaar voor! kom maar op met de ijzige temperaturen en warme truien!

In de tussentijd zullen we een nieuwe “Groene” houtkachel in ons huis installeren om warm te blijven, en misschien een beetje een huis renovatie op onze begane grond doen dit najaar. We houden je op de hoogte!

Jolanda, Michiel
Miley, Haley & Quinn

    We love Wildling shoes

    Wildling shoes  hebben ons hele gezin uitgerust met hun ‘Minimal’ wintercollectie schoenen en we zijn er dol op!

    Het heerlijke gevoel om op blote voeten door het bos te rennen en te klimmen terwijl je veilig bent tegen ruwe ondergronds en scherpe voorwerpen is geweldig!

    Terwijl je op blote voeten of met Minimale schoenen, het voelt niet alleen geweldig. Het is eigenlijk ook echt gezond! De reden waarom is hier heel goed uitgelegd door:

    1- Linde Logtenberg op haar Instagram hier!

    2- of in deze video door Teck Insider

    We willen onze partner Wildling bedanken voor het ondersteunen van ons blog. Onze partners maken het mogelijk voor ons om onze video’s, vlogs en blogs kunnen blijven produceren. Vanwege dit soort samenwerkingsverbanden kunnen we doen waar we het meest van houden:  Creatief zijn en onze verhalen, kennis en afbeeldingen met jullie delen!

    bekijk alle andere foto’s uit deze serie:

    [PILOT] PODCAST #01 Voor we in Winterslaap modus gaan...

    by Jolanda Marti | Wild & BOHO - podcast

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    Middle child

    Middle child


    Je bent te klein om te doen wat je grote zus kan.
    Te groot om dingen te doen waar je kleine zusje mee weg komt.
    Je bent niet de grote zus.
    Je bent niet de kleine zus.
    Ergens daar tussenin zit je…

    Maar in jouw ogen ben je een GROTE zus en een KLEINE zus in één.Eigenlijk. Je hebt alles!

    Het is niet altijd gemakkelijk om het middelste kind te zijn. Maar toch, je staat vaak in het middelpunt van de belangstelling. Je glas is niet halfvol… het stroomt over! Ze zeggen vaak dat het middelste kind gemakkelijk vergeten wordt. Nou… laten we zeggen dat dat nooit zal gebeuren met onze Haley. Wacht maar af, ze zal het eisen. En lief kind… je verdient alle aandacht die je nodig hebt, mijn liefde.

    Een sterke wil, avonturen, nieuwsgierig, assertief, slim, grappig, direct, sterk, eerlijk, observatief, en zo zo lief. Het lijkt erop dat jou andere twee zussen van een andere planeet kwamen, gesneden uit hetzelfde hout, hetzelfde temperament, hetzelfde basispatroon, maar jij kwam uit een heel eigen universum.

    Er is geen saai moment met jou klein drakenmeisje. Je stopt nooit met bewegen, klimmen, reiken naar de meest gevaarlijke (en daarom meest interessante) objecten, stoelen op tafels en boeken opstapelen om hoger te komen, nooit bang en snel… oh wat ben je zo ongelooflijk snel. Ik knipper met mijn ogen en je loopt om een ​​hoek om, lachend, kijkend over je schouder om te zien of je wordt gevolgd. De vastberadenheid in alles wat jij doet. Ik geloof dat je alles zal kunnen bereiken waar je je zinnen op zet. Slim, lief, sterk, gepassioneerd, fel, athletisch, energiek, gek, explosief, grappig, stralend en mooi meisje van mama. Je zult zal opgemerkt worden.

    Over dat spelletje dat we spelen, waar we allebei beweren meer van de ander te houden:
    Mijn klein baby meisje, ik hou meer van je dan je ooit zou kunnen begrijpen! Misschien realiseer je je wanneer je op een dag zelf baby’s krijgt… Ik win… Ik hou VEEL meer van JOU! En dat hoort ook zo. 

    Jolanda, Michiel
    Miley, Haley & Quinn

    Middle child



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    Consciousness, Like mother like daughter +Twinning Lookbook

    “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”

    ~Audrey Hepburn

    To have children is for me believing in tomorrow. Planting a garden with them and teaching them to treasure this planet is an essential part of the way we are raising our babies. We must protect what is left of nature and try and stabilize the unbalance we are creating as human beings.

    Making as many conscious choices as you can possibly make in your unique situation.
    From using las plastic and package materials to recycle your waste.
    From buying your clothes at your local thrift shop to buying conscious fashion brands. From growing your own food to supporting local farmers.

    Lead by example. Like mother like daughter…

    Minimalizing our carbon footprint and sometimes spreading a handful of wildflower seeds on to a patch of dirt. To see it turn in to the most beautiful flower field in a few weeks time. The bees will thank you for it by keeping our fragile ecosystem stable. And our children will have a better chance of having a carefree future on this beautiful planet.

    How do you contribute to the awareness of conscious decisions in your children? Maybe you have inspiring ideas I would love to hear!
    Tell me in the comments on instagram!

    Jolanda, Michiel
    Miley, Haley & Quinn

      We love Bobo choses

      Bobo choses,  a Spanish brand has the most gorgeous collections of fair susnainable fashion.

      We are in love with their spring-summer collection “to plant a garden” and we feel like the spirit and attitude of the collection is capturing what we and a lot of parents around us are feeling. Let’s care for our kids, lets care for this planet. And let’s look awesome while doing it!

      Bob choses send us our matching mother-daughter jumpsuits and clogs! So much love for these fun and happy outfits!

      Lookbook TWINNING with Miley

      I went Twinzies with my big girl Miley!
      Spring is here so a perfect outfit to get out into the garden and enjoy the first rays of sunshine!

      We want to thank Bobo choses and Polette eyewear for our Mother and daughter twinning outfits! We are loving it!

        We love Polette

        Polette send me the same pair of glasses that we already had bought for my daughter. This way we can twin!

        Polette has beautiful frames and doesn’t pre-produce the frames. Every time someone orders a frame and lenses it is completely produced on demand. This way there is no wasteful overproduction of their collection.

        The frames and lenses are manufactured in their own factory in China by trained optical professionals.

        Their friendly priced prescription glasses are making quality glasses available for everyone. And in a household with 3 glasses-wairing individuals (from-wich 2 kids) we are really happy that with their frames we can afford it to get everyone the high-quality prescription-eyeglasses we need, without having to completely empty all our piggy-banks.

        SHOP the LOOK

        SHOP the LOOK

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        Consciousness, Like mother like daughter +Twinning Lookbook



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        Happy Midsummer!

        Woohoo, summer is here and we are feeling energized and inspired.

        This weekend was the summer solstice and we are feeling it in our bones! Summer is coming and we can’t wait to hit the road!
        All the Preparations for our big summer trip are totally happening right now!

        I took all the summer clothing from the back of the closet to the front! Re-discovering all my summer favorites.
        The only thing that was lacking was a fresh pair of summer loving specs. This will be the first summer for me with glasses.
        So Polette geared me up with some groovy round frames that makes me feel like I’m back in the ’60s. No wonder this model is called “rewind”.
        Loving it!!!

        Suddenly the kids are feeling “done” with the school. Aldou they LOVE to go to school, they want to stay at home now, “no more school mom!” I know babe… just a couple of weeks and we are free to go!

        We are also still editing a few weddings from our wedding photography, but other than that we are buzzily prepping the van, making a checklist for all the things we want to bring with us, but more important deciding what things NOT to bring with us. Our tiny little van hasn’t much space, so we are taking the BARE minimum with us!

        Also thinking of a way to make the journey and the whole “where are we” story clear for our kids on the way… So I started designing a custom “kids activity book/ travel diary” for them on this trip. With games, logs, and maps to get an understanding of where we are in the world and what to expect along the line of our journey.

        So! Enjoy the weather, and remember to take the time to stop… feel…hear….see…breathe…stretch…and smell the roses!


        SHOP the LOOK

        Happy Midsummer!



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        Chopping wood is Therapeutic

        let them express their inner Rugged bearded man!


        Chopping wood, Therapeutic for him. That’s what I would call it…

        During the lunch break, or after dinner, Michiel loves to get outside and shop some wood. Rain or shine, Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter! He is out there chopping his logs in to big chunks of lumber for the fire.

        And to be honest, there can never be to much lumber.
        During the spring, summer, and fall we make nice campfires in our backyard.
        And we are looking for a nice stove to keep us warm and cozy during winter months!


        “It’s in our DNA as humans. There is a fascination with creating fire with most men.”

         I guess it’s a primal thing, making lumber to keep fires going has been a ritual for thousands of years.  It’s in our DNA as humans. There is a fascination with creating fire with most men. At least, that’s what I’m seeing.

        Look at the neighborhood barbecue… Where are the men? Where the fire is! Haha, a little bunch of pyromaniacs with their beer in hand poking the fire.

        So I say… let them chop wood. It’s good for the soul. Letting them follow that primal instinct, letting out all their negative energy and frustration on the logs.
        Letting them be wild instinct-driven bushcraft motherfuckers! They are providing wood. Providing warmth. Providing protection from the cold. Providing the fire which we all can gather around.  Hear him roar! My strong man. Gosh, o’ my! Look at him being all provide-dy and stuff! Suddenly I forget I’m an independent woman who can chop her own wood just fine. I bet he would catch me whenever I would faint. Oh wait, he actually did once when I was pregnant! See!? My strong wood chopping for-family-providing-and-protecting man!


        “a genius guide that can lead any aspiring Burschcraft motherfucker in the right direction!”


        So, whenever he gets grumpy… tell him to go out and chop some wood. Youll see. He’ll come back a whole other man. 😉 Thank you Weltevree for gearing us up with this fresh and sharp new blade for Michiel to get his chopping on! And we are so happy with this Dutch guide that publishing agency SNOR sent to us, it’s a genius guide that can lead any aspiring Burschcraft motherfucker in the right direction! (brilliant fathers day tip for all the dutchies)

        Ladies! Do you send your men out to do some chopping and de-stress!?
        Or is it just me?

        Blog by: Jolanda Marti
        Photography: Jolanda Marti & Michiel Fook

        “man of the house” MUST HAVES

        In this insta-proof flatlay, we laid everything out for you. All the must-haves to make him feel like the ultimate survival backyard bushcraft badass.

        from left to right – top to bottom:

        Follow Michiel on Instagram!

        Our story from his point of view! More guy stuff and how to be a badass dad to 3 badass girls!

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        Chopping wood is Therapeutic



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        Throwback to my old model-portfolio!

        Wayyyy back to the time when…


        …I was studying and I did some modeling!

        I studied Multi-Media Design and Audio Visual Design in Amsterdam, as well as the introduction year of the Art Academy (Rietveld Academie) to become a filmmaker. And on the side, I did some modeling.

        I selected a couple of the photo’s from my old portfolio to share with you guys!
        This is the 10 to 17 -year younger me.

        If you already have a low self-image, don’t start with modeling.

        It was exciting, and a lot of the time a harsh world. But it definitely made me more confident and let me have a more positive self-image. Because in modeling, there are lots of people judging you purely on your appearance. And, and  Maybe it sounds crazy, but to me when you hear someone say to you, “ah… you would be the perfect model if you would be taller and have a nose job” WTF It sounds so extremely over-the-top harsh and completely ridiculous, that it made me care less about what others think!

        I had my two feet on the ground. I just felt that almost everyone in the business was just putting up an act of some-kind, fitting in, and most of the time extremely insecure and frustrated themselves. I could see through the charade, so it didn’t affect me at all.

        Being a model means having to deal with lots of rejections, before getting a YES on a job.
        And even though I could handle the people the comments and the attitudes, but the rejections were not much fun at all. But that made the chase only that much more fun, and a WIN that much sweeter!

        Getting Inspired
        Not everyone is horrible! All dough may look and sound that way, not everyone is horribly unstable and mean… Some of my best friends today are people I met in the field! There are lots of agencies, model colleagues, stylists, makeup and hair stylists, and other people on the set that are just amazingly talented, creative, nice and inspiring to be working with!

        Modeling changed my life

        Now looking back, this modeling totally formed me and led me to the place I am today.
        At the end of the day, I did invest way more time and energy on castings, test shoots and portfolio viewings than I made money to compensate me for it. But I think I got something way more value out of it. The experiences along the road of my modeling career made me the person I am today.

        These are the main  life lessons are the things I’ve learned along the way:

        People knowledge. Recognizing someone who is insecure and therefore acting a bit tough, braggy and mean. And not feel threatened by it. It’s ok. We all have struggles I guess.
        -SOMEONE will Always find you ugly! But someone will always find you beautiful! (Aside from the obvious fact that true beauty comes from within and all that… but we are talking modeling biz here, so we go no deeper than the outer layer here.)
        -Not giving up. Yes, you grow a strong backbone by so much rejection, but success is only a matter of time!
        Self-confidence, it has to come from within yourself, not by validation of others.
        Learning on set, And last but not least: I think that having experience in standing in front of the camera definitely helped me in becoming a better photographer and filmmaker. The compositions, and base camera and lightning techniques of shooting images and production basics in the field.


        Sometimes once in a while, there are still little commercial gigs I do. Mostly I get typecast as “the mom” to do a shoot with one of my babies. But mostly we shoot our own stuff for our blog and Instagram for brands. So that’s a kind of commercial “lifestyle” modeling too I guess.


        Did you know that:

        – I am only 5.2 feet tall! (huge disadvantage for a model, I only did beauty, lifestyle, and commercial.

        – Being highly emphatic made it easier to feel that all the superficial bitchyness was just an “attitude” and a charade, some sort of coping mechanism. Underneath it all they all where good people struggling with lots of insecurities. 

        – As a model, you get to work and meet and be inspired by lots and lots of cool creative and very nice people too!!! 

        – I look different through a lens… I may look better on camera than in real life I guess hahaha Once a photographer didn’t reckonize me, but looking through the lens of his camera he said: “aaaah YES now I see you!”  XD

        – I started modeling when I was 15 years old, I got a lot less active at the age of 21 as I started my professional career as a Motion graphic designer and presenter for a dutch tv show (that’s a whole other story).

        I treasure the pictures from all the shoots I did. So lovely to look back on!

        – I never ever starved myself, Ate enough and didn’t over-exhausted myself with working out.

        I never spend money on photoshoots or paying an agency! Especially the last one is a big NO they should invest in you if they believe in you.

        -I did invest a LOT of time in my portfolio, Collaborating with lots of photographers, stylist, and makeup artists!

        – I know nothing of how things in the modeling business are now in 2019.  This is my experience of 15 years ago.

        -Most of these photos are in Tiny little resolution! So sad I don’t have the high-res files anymore! I think I’m going to contact the photographers, maybe I can still get them from their archives! (I really hope so!)

        I never earned LOTS of money with it! I lived with my parents and went to school! This was just a fun side job. 


        I guess I combined my skills from my education and my experience in modeling. So there you go! My experience in standing in Front of the camera started right here and led me right to where I am today.

        Scroll all the way down to see more photo’s from my old portfolio!


        Thanks for reading along and if you have any questions, ask me on my Instagram, because I live there hahaha:  https://www.instagram.com/wildandboho/ 

        Jolanda Marti

        Blogpost written by: Jolanda Marti


        Photography in my portfolio selection on this page  is by:

        -Nicole patricia malina
        -Hanneke van Leeuwen
        -Michel zoeter
        -Rob l. roos
        -Martin wieldraaijer

        -Wouter keuris
        -Jacomijn Lyppens
        -Jan Stijnman
        -Richard bakker
        -Robert Hart

        The copyright of these photos is from the photographer who created the photo.

        Don’t copy, use or publish any of these photos without their explicit permission! Want to know more info about a photo, just ask me, I will direct you to the right photographer.

        I’m so so grateful for these amazing artist I got to work with!

        If I’m forgetting a name (and I am, but I can’t find the names anywhere anymore aaarggg it’s killing me!)
        or if anny info is wrong, please please please let me know!!! I Will ad it to the list! I don’t remember everything from 15 years ago! I wish I did do…  Let me know by sending me an email or a dm in my insta!

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        Throwback to my old model-portfolio!



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