Tussen de buien door…

Tussen de buien door maken we deze zomerdagen mini uitstapjes of wandelingetje door het dorp. Maar we gingen niet nooit weg van huis gezien de hoosbuien altijd onverwacht uit de lucht kon komen. Plannen maken vonden we wel lastig gezien de voorspellingen bijna nooit...


◈ An outfit is so much more than just a few pieces of clothing to cover yourself and keep warm … Fashion is a piece of self-expression in which you can express how you feel and who you see yourself at that moment in your life, combined with whatever feels right or comfortable to you in a given situation. An outfit that’s right for you, can make you feel the best version of yourself. I think there’s no right or wrong in self-expression as long as you stay true to yourself!

Our style can be described as Bohemian, casual with and lots of natural materials and colors.
We love to shop in our favorite stores and web shops but not everything in our closet is brand new, we love to browse through our local thrift shops looking for some hidden gems and give clothing a second life.

Follow all our outfit inspiration posts and fashion related topics we love to share with you.

Middle child

Middle child

You are not the biggest sister, You are not the smallest sister
Somewhere in between. But in your eyes, you are a BIG sister AND a SMALL sister all at once.
In fact. You have everything!

Consciousness, Like mother like daughter +Twinning Lookbook

Consciousness, Like mother like daughter +Twinning Lookbook

To have children is for me believing in tomorrow. Planting a garden with them and teaching them to treasure this planet is an essential part of the way we are raising our babies. I went Twinzies with my big girl Miley! Spring is here so a perfect outfit to get out into the garden and enjoy the first rays of sunshine!

Happy Midsummer!

Happy Midsummer!

This weekend was the summer solstice and we are feeling it in our bones! Summer is coming! I took all the summer clothing from the back of the closet to the front! Re-discovering all my summer favorites.
The only thing that was lacking was a fresh pair of summer loving specs. So Polette geared me up with some groovy round frames that makes me feel like I’m back in the ’60s

Chopping wood is Therapeutic

Chopping wood is Therapeutic

Chopping wood is Therapeutic for most men. I guess it’s a primal thing, making lumber to keep fires going has been a ritual for thousands of years.  It’s in our DNA as humans. There is a fascination with creating fire with most men.

Throwback to my old model-portfolio!

Throwback to my old model-portfolio!

Lets go way back to the time when I was studying Multi-Media Design and Audio Visual Design in Amsterdam and I did some modeling on the side!
I’m telling all about it and show you a little bit of my old portfolio!

Run wild my child

Run wild my child

Little feet are making a wonderful crunchy sound as they touch the layered floor of the forest. Every step feels different, little sticks, rocks, bones, grass, and mosses are all hiding under a think mixed layer of old crispy and fresh soft fallen leaves. Making every step an exciting surprise.

Living with Syndrome of Raynaud

Living with Syndrome of Raynaud

Coping Syndrome of Raynaud and tips on preventing an episode. This is a thing, It’s not a huge thing, its not life-threatening, but it is something I have to live with. Overall there is no real cure. But there are some tips and advice that could prevent another big attack on your limbs.

Dance all the way to South Africa

Dance all the way to South Africa

WE ARE GOING TO SOUTH AFRICA! Whuuut!? And we had a little taste from the African culture to get us in the mood!
NL: Wil jij ook!?!? Jij kunt twee twee tickets winnen! Lees hier HOE!

Shoot us mom!

Shoot us mom!

Never let children pose… let them be themselves! whenever I’m shooting kids (my one or any kids for that matter)
I let them play. I have a strict NO POSING rule.But… Tiny baby girls turn in to big baby girls! And then that day came, the day when Miley (8yrs) Came up to me dressed a bit much over the top and  Asked me “Mom? Can you shoot me? I’ve made everything ready!”

VIDEO – Getting My MOM Tatoo

VIDEO – Getting My MOM Tatoo

So in this video, you will see me getting my first tattoo! 7 Years ago I came up with the idea of putting all my baby’s names on my forearm in one long stretched line.

Getting my first tattoo

Getting my first tattoo

At first, it was a rather simple idea… a thin straight line from my elbow to my wrist within the middle the letters that spelled the name of my one and only baby girl. My ultimate Mom tattoo. But. I was still breastfeeding. And everyone strongly advised against it back then. Now 7 years and two kids later I finaly did it! And YES I’m still breastfeeding!

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