Happy Midsummer!

Woohoo, summer is here and we are feeling energized and inspired.
This weekend was the summer solstice and we are feeling it in our bones! Summer is coming and we can’t wait to hit the road!
All the Preparations for our big summer trip are totally happening right now!
I took all the summer clothing from the back of the closet to the front! Re-discovering all my summer favorites.
The only thing that was lacking was a fresh pair of summer loving specs. This will be the first summer for me with glasses.
So Polette geared me up with some groovy round frames that makes me feel like I’m back in the ’60s. No wonder this model is called “rewind”.
Loving it!!!
Suddenly the kids are feeling “done” with the school. Aldou they LOVE to go to school, they want to stay at home now, “no more school mom!” I know babe… just a couple of weeks and we are free to go!
We are also still editing a few weddings from our wedding photography, but other than that we are buzzily prepping the van, making a checklist for all the things we want to bring with us, but more important deciding what things NOT to bring with us. Our tiny little van hasn’t much space, so we are taking the BARE minimum with us!
Also thinking of a way to make the journey and the whole “where are we” story clear for our kids on the way… So I started designing a custom “kids activity book/ travel diary” for them on this trip. With games, logs, and maps to get an understanding of where we are in the world and what to expect along the line of our journey.
So! Enjoy the weather, and remember to take the time to stop… feel…hear….see…breathe…stretch…and smell the roses!